“Nothing like Medjugorje has ever happened in the history of the world” 5 Things to Know about Marian Apparitions that Make the Unbeliever Stumble with Words to Stand up Against the Proof of God and Miracles
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Researcher Michael O’Neill relays some fascinating facts about Virgin Mary apparitions and Medjugorje.
National Geographic Narrator
“Medjugorje is Unique” “Nothing like (Medjugorje) has ever happened in the history of the world” generic ativan tablets
“There have been more visions of the Virgin Mary at Medjugorje then any place in the world”
5 Things to Know About Marian Apparitions The Medjugorje information starts at minute 2:19 Watch the whole video – really, really good.
National Geo
graphic Narrator
“Medjugorje is Unique” “Nothing like (Medjugorje) has ever happened in the history of the world” generic ativan tablets “There have been more visions of the Virgin Mary at Medjugorje then any place in the world”
Medjugorje is fabulous but are you aware of Holy Love Ministry in Ohio? Apparitions and messages began in 1985 just 4 years after Medjugorje. Pilgrims from all over go to the ministry.
Yes started out in 7 Hills Ohio they then moved out to Holy Love Grounds in Lorain County beautiful place to spend time with God …..
Holy Love is not considered a valid apparition. The church is encouraged to avoid going to that site.
Neither was Medjugorje until recently. It took 36 years!
Yes Denise I have heard about and traveled to Holy Love Ministries. I believe those apparitions to be authentic as well. I was there on the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary. I have commented on this site before, interesting enough Wayne Weible wrote Intimate Messages From heaven. Effectively
Endorsing the apparitions at Holy Love by Our Lord and Our Lady This is the same Wayne Weible that this site has posted and promoted his work as well. Such as Medjugorje the message, and so on. When I was at the apparition site when Our Lady appears to the visionary a women started yelling all sort of strange utterances just as possessed people have done in Medjugorje when Our Lady appears. I will encourage members this site to investigate and visit Holy Love Ministries. One can start by reading Wayne Weibles book, I mentioned earlier in this post
Thank you for responding, Carl. I was at Holy Love the same time as you and on Divine Mercy Sunday. It would have been nice to have met you. Yes, I did read Wayne Weibel’s book and it is an excellent representation of all that is happening there. I actually started reading the messages from the beginning so I knew about Maureen and Holy Love for a long time. Wow! How it has grown! I would LOVE to go to Medjugorje. Perhaps it will happen someday.