Novena to the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje – first day June 16, 2019…Meditate on how Medjugorje changed the fate of humanity.
Let’s begin the Novena for the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje. For the next nine days, we will give food for thought, on why the Marian apparitions, which began on June 24th 1981, around 6:00 pm, still in progress, changed the fate of humanity.

That day, six children from the parish, Ivanka Ivankovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Vicka Ivankovic, Ivan Dragicevic, Ivan Ivankovic and Milka Pavlovic, were struck by a vision on the Crnica hill (the place is called Podbrdo).
A woman dressed in white appeared with a child in her arms. That first time, they got quite frightened, but it happened again the following day, at the same time. Therefore, they realized they were in the presence of the Madonna.
Novena to the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje – first day
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Prayer to the Queen of Peace:
Mother of God and our Mother Mary, Queen of Peace! You have come among us to guide us to God. By him, impose grace on us so that, on your example, we can not only say: “Let it be of me according to your Word”, but also put it into practice. In your hands, we put our hands, so that, through our miseries and difficulties, he can accompany us to him. For Christ our Lord. Amen.
The recitation of the Veni Creator Spiritus and the Glorious Mysteries follows.
“Dear children! Today, I thank you because you live and bear witness to my messages with your life. Children, be strong and pray for your prayer to give you strength and joy. Only in this way will each of you be mine and I will guide him on the road to salvation. Children, pray and witness my presence here with your life. May every day be for you a joyful witness of God’s love. Thank you for having responded to my call “(Message of June 25, 1999).
The Litanies to the Virgin Mary follow.
Final prayer: Lord, you invite all of us Christians to be sincere witnesses of your life and your love. Today, we thank you in a special way for the visionaries, for their mission and the testimony that they give of the messages of the Queen of Peace . We offer you all their needs and we pray for each of them, so that you may be close to them and help them grow in the experience of your strength. We pray you, through a deeper and humble prayer, to guide them towards a sincere witness of the presence of Our Lady in this place . Amen.
Antonella Sanicanti