Virgin Mary’s Message to Ivan from Blue Cross…Blessed Mother Offers Special Prayer for the Family and the Young

Dear friends, here is what Ivan told us about the apparition he had tonight, Friday 24 August 2018, at 22:00 at the Blue Cross:

“Also tonight, as after every meeting with the Madonna, I would like to approach you and describe you a little bit. tonight’s meeting. Today too Our Lady came to us very joyful and happy, and greeted us all with her maternal greeting:

“May Jesus be praised, my dear children!” Then she prayed here on all of us with her hands extended for a prolonged time. She especially prayed here about you sick present. Today she prayed especially for the family, holiness in the family and for the young. Then Our Lady has blessed us all with her motherly blessing and has blessed all that you have brought to be blessed.

I have recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions and your families and in particular I have recommended to the Virgin you sick people present. Then Our Lady continued to pray for a period of time here on all of you, and in this prayer she went in the sign of light and of the cross, with the greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children!”. I would like to stress once again that tonight Our Lady prayed especially for the family, holiness in the family and for the young. Thank you.

One thought on “Virgin Mary’s Message to Ivan from Blue Cross…Blessed Mother Offers Special Prayer for the Family and the Young

  • Thank you Mother Mary for the prayers: for the families and the young. Be at our side always.

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