“Our Lady Tenderness” from Ukraine appears to “millions” with prophetic messages for months even on the television when communists tried to discredit the event.
The image of the Woman with the Child remained visible for a month , even moving in the sky, with at least one and a half million eyewitnesses. A local TV service will then be broadcast to discredit the phenomenon, but during this program the image of the Madonna appeared in the video, which all viewers could notice.
In Grushew, Ukraine, Our Lady has appeared several times throughout history. Before the 16th century at the time of the Cossack War, making this village a place of pilgrimage and prayer. A cholera epidemic appeared in 1806 and a source of healthful waters gushed forth.
On May 12, 1914 The Virgin introduces herself to 22 peasants. The First World War is upon us and the Virgin prophesies to the peasants the loss of Ukraine’s sovereignty for 80 years, during which suffering and persecution would alternate , after which Christianity would triumph and Ukraine would be free again . Our Lady also prophesies the imminent outbreak of war and that Russia would soon turn away from God.
One year after the Chernobyl disaster
Subsequently, on April 26, 1987, on the same day and at the same time as the Chernobyl disaster a year earlier, Our Lady appeared to Maria Kyzyn, a 12-year-old girl. The girl notices a strange light coming from a desocrated chapel near the garden of her house, closed to worship by the communist regime since 1947.
On one of the faces of the tower that covers the dome of the chapel, a figure appeared: a woman dressed in black with a child in her arms . The Madonna appears very similar to the “Virgin of Tenderness”, an icon donated in the year one thousand by Prince Vladimir the Great to his wife Anna after Kiev’s conversion to Christianity.
The image of the Woman with the Child remained visible for a month , even moving in the sky, with at least one and a half million eyewitnesses. A local TV service decided to broadcast the event to discredit the phenomenon, but during the program the image of the Madonna appeared in the video, which all viewers could notice.
In her numerous apparitions to Mary, Our Lady asks for penance, invites to prayer and forgiveness for the conversion of Russia, to recite the Holy Rosary, and not to forget the victims of the Chernobyl disaster.

The messages of Our Lady of Grushew
From the messages of April 1988:
“It is through you and the blood of the martyrs that the conversion of Russia will take place. Repent and love one another. The times that have been foretold as those of the end of time are coming. Look at the desolation that surrounds the world: sins, sloth, genocide… If for Russia there is no return to Christianity, there will be a third world war and the whole world will be faced with ruin “.
“Teach the children to pray. Teach them to live in the truth and live in the truth yourselves. Say the Holy Rosary. It is the weapon against satan … I have come to comfort you and to tell you that your sufferings will soon end. I will protect you for the glory and the future of God’s Kingdom on earth, which will last a thousand years. The Kingdom of Heaven and Earth is close at hand. It will come only through penance and repentance of sins… Many come as false messiahs and false prophets. Be careful … I don’t make distinctions of race or religion. You here in Ukraine have received the knowledge of the one, true, apostolic Church… The Eternal God is calling you. This is why I was sent to you… despite the long persecutions you have suffered you have not lost faith, hope and charity ”.
Elisa Pallotta