Powerful: Message From the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe to Lorena “Prepare your homes with the blood of the Lamb” Be ready for what is coming
Dear Children,
Today My Heart Bleeds with Pain at the sight of the Crucifixion of My Son Jesus, the Allied Countries in the War only seek their monetary interests and the New World Order to wipe out a great part of the Population.
My Heart is Torn With Pain When Seeing So Many People Dying, Orphaned Children and Parents Losing Their Little Children, My Mother’s Heart Cries and Tears of Blood Flow From My Eyes for Humanity.
Extremely difficult times are coming and My children do NOT approach My Son Jesus Christ even when seeing the Storm, Nations will suffer in this War, thousands of people will die from one day to the next.
I weep for My children who have NOT heeded My Calls of a Loving Mother who calls My children with Love into My Arms to snuggle them in My Immaculate Heart and save them.
I, your Mother, call you to REPENT and to return to the Father before it is too late, evil advances and good seems to fall asleep. THE CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT DO NOT WAKE UP FROM THEIR LETHARGY and there are few who are attentive to the events and vigilant NOT to fall into temptation.
Return to the Father’s House, for His Righteous Wrath has already begun to fall, please return home WHERE I CAN PROTECT YOU FROM ALL EVIL.
MANY NATIONS WILL DISAPPEAR FOR THEIR EVIL AND OTHERS WILL BE HARSHLY PURIFIED, the PURIFICATION HAS ALREADY BEGUN and the beginning of the Tribulation has already been announced and the World still sleeps, DO NOT wait for misfortune to knock at your doors.

When the Angel of Justice Passes by Your Homes, You Should Have Prepared Yourselves Beforehand by Marking Your Homes, Your Hearts and Souls With the Blood of the Lamb.
And How You Will Do This:
You Will Bless With the Blood of My Son Your Whole Being and that of Your Families by Covering Yourselves With It. And Protect Your Homes by Placing Salt, Oil and Exorcised Water in the Corners of the Houses, Doors and Windows.
You Must Be Attentive to the Signs of the Times, So That While Awake You May Become Aware of the Evil Plans of Evil and Be Able to Confront Them With the Help of God.
If You Trust in God, Living a Life in the Divine Will, You Will Be Protected Wherever You Are, Together With Your Families, From Any Threat to Your Physical and Spiritual Integrity and You Will Have the Certainty That the Power of God Has Done His Work in Your Lives.
You Will See Great Miracles in Your Lives if You Have Faith and Abandon Yourselves in the Arms of the Father, Therefore I Ask You to Be Like Children in the Arms of Your Father Who Cares for You, Guides You and Protects You.
Be Like Little Children and Depend Totally on Him, the Blood of My Son Will Cover You From All Danger and I as Your Mother Will Protect You Under My Mantle of Stars.
My Children, Prepare Yourselves for Your Missions for the Battle Which is Very Strong, Therefore I Ask You to Prepare Your Souls for This Bloody Battle, With Prayer, Fasting and Penance, I Call You to Unity With the Most Holy Trinity Through the Fusion of Your Souls and Hearts With This.
And How is This Achieved?
Reaching the Sixth Chamber, Where the Soul Merges With the Most Holy Trinity and It is No Longer You Who Live, but She Within You, This May Seem to Be Difficult to Achieve, but It is Not, Today Heaven is on Sale and is Giving You Very Special Graces.
To Reach This Room You Only Need to Ask for It With a Pure Heart and God Will Mold Your Hearts, He Will Forge Them Like Clay in the Hands of the Potter, It Will Be Painful but Necessary, Because Without Pain There is No Transformation.
Pain Makes Human Beings Stronger and More Capable of Facing Life Situations, It Gives the Human Being an Identity. An Identity That Only God Can Give to the Souls Forged in Pain, to Make Them Clean and Resplendent in His Presence, So Let Yourself Be Molded by the Arms of the Father to Be Able to Shine Like Shining Pearls.
Therefore, I Call You to Accept Your Crosses With Love, So That You May Be Forged in the Hands of the Father, I Call You to Union With My Heart and That of My Son. The Lance That Pierced My Son in His Side, Resulted in the Birth of His Church and From This the Apostles of the End Times Are Born.
Therefore, Strive to Fulfill Your Specific Missions That God Gave to Each One of You Personally, Do Not Be a Stumbling Block for Your Brothers and Sisters, but a Bridge to Reach God.
So I Only Ask You to Enter Into the Unfathomable Mysteries of My Son Jesus Christ to Understand His Crucifixion and Redemption, and by Living the Agony of My Son on Calvary You Can Grow More Spiritually, Feeling His Sufferings and Pains Within Your Hearts, You Will Renew Your Heart and Soul and Soften Your Hearts With the Agony and Sufferings of My Son Through His Passion Lived by the Apostles of the Last Times.
My Son Can Rest a Little From So Much Pain and Outrages, Through the Victim Souls Everything Can Be Lessened and Some Events Reduced or Canceled, So Offer Yourselves as Victim Souls, This Work is Very Necessary in These Last Times Since You Will Be Able to Lessen the Events With Your Life of Surrender and Oblation to Heaven, Follow My Instructions and Advice, Do Not Get Discouraged, Nor Forget Everything Recommended in This Message That My Son Asked Me to Give You.
Because He is Being Crucified Again and I Will Be the Light and His Strength in the Darkness, Because When the Perpetual Sacrifice of My Son Ceases, He Will Leave and Only I Will Remain, as the Mother of All Humanity.
I Call You to Repentance and Solidarity With Our Brothers and Sisters Who Suffer Throughout the World for Different Causes and Circumstances, Let Us Unite in Prayer With My Weapon Par Excellence Which is the Rosary.
Ready for Battle Soldiers!!!
I Call on You to Integrate With Your Other Brothers, for Your Spiritual Growth.
Your Beloved Mother in Heaven Loves You,
The Virgin Mary of Guadalupe