Pray for Karla Gierer’s Intentions.. A Mystic Post prayer request like no other
From: Karla Gierer <>
Subject: Prayers requests
Message Body:
Dear Most Pure , Loving, Merciful Most Blessed Mother of Us all the Universe.
Who took such Love & Care for Your Merciful, Loving Son Our Lord and Savior.
Please, I come begging at your feet for Mercy on the whole world for the salvation of Souls and for all the Poor Souls in Purgatory and all my love one’s Souls, friends, family, acquaintances and enemies. For all Sinners, Non-believers, Atheists and For Our Roman Catholic Church and Our Religion and Churches, and all Religious, in The Roman Catholic Faith. For The Body and Blood of Our Dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!! For all the Killings throughout the world of each other and Babies through Abortions. For all the Desecration of Our Lord in and out of His Church. For all the Materialistic, money driven, egotistical, self-centred people. To stop the Evil in Our Lord’s Church and Souls for which Our Lord Died for. For Our Government in the USA, that’s trying to do good. For all the things God made when he made the world/Earth. For all the children that parents didn’t get their children their Sacraments yet, they themselves received the Sacraments that you find some kind of Mercy for them. For Every Poor Soul in Purgatory throughout the era of time. For all the visionaries that have seen You Most Blessed Mother and Your Son Our Lord Jesus Christ and who carried the Stigma as the Love for Our Lord. To stop all Gay Rights, Same-Sex Marriage, Every type of Pornography and deviant evil thoughts and ways to others elderly, babies and of every age. To stop all types of behaviours and acts. To Put God before everything and go back to Our Lord’s ways as the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit See’s fit!!! To help the less fortunate and the ones that are trying to be close to Our Lord and Religion but we just never really got to do the proper way to receive Our Sacraments because they were pushing everyone through so fast. To show that being Rich with money isn’t what loving and obeying Our Lord Jesus Christ is about. For all who mocked him and hurt him deep down knowing what they were doing to hurt him like all the Evil Demons running around. To shut down all Satanical Temples and practices of Black Masses!!! To stop all Evil Freemasons and any other groups that are just like them. To help all in need of things for the living and that people will go back to Church in Honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ. That the nasty depraved things that were going on in Our Lord’s Church And the Peoples Church he built for us to stop and be cleaned up or start fresh over in Medjugorie maybe. To give everyone the grace, love and understanding Of Your Son and Father and the Holy Spirit and Holy Trinity and You Most Dear Blessed Mother Mary. I am by no means a Saint but I want to do whatever I can to help You Dear Most Blessed Mother. To pray for all the Saints, Apostle, Guardian Angel’s and My Own Guardian Angel, along with all Religious throughout the Roman Catholic Church whom dedicated their lives and are and want to do good. Pray for the lives and souls that are taken so suddenly, so young, and at the hands of others and from their loved ones and illness, or, killed by terrorist and war , accidents, greed, gluttony , please I pray that You will give me and my loved ones, family, friends, acquaintances and enemies a warning before the time to come and give us the grace and strength to get through whatever Our Dear Father and Son and the Holy Spirit have for us. To please protect all homeless people and all God’s Creatures. To pray for all that turned away and didn’t believe anymore. To pray for all military, emergency people, medical professional, medication for the needy and for Our Pope Francis, the Bishops, Cardinals, Preist, Sisters, Nuns, Brothers, Deacons, Lay people, Seminarians, families, all Religious and all who took care of your Churches, artwork and Religious pictures, jewelry, items. To please pray to stop Human trafficking, sexual trafficking, prostitution, abuse mental, physically, verbal. To stop addiction, drug trafficking, trafficking of men, women, children, babies, elderly. To stop assistance in the killing of a person, to stop suicide and thoughts of suicide and mentally ill personalities. To stop stealing from others and companies. To stop lying cheating among others. To pray for Mother Angelica and for EWTN and all TV and Radio Broadcasting. To help to keep me calm and to be strong and aware as well as all my loved ones, family, friends, acquaintances and enemies. To please help me with my health and teeth and to be able to help get our selves situated and to help many other people that are being hurt and taken advantage of by the Elite groups and rich people. Please, Most Beautiful Blessed Mother Mary of the World please help me so I can bring Souls to You and to You Son Our Dear Lord and Savior and to Our Most Wonderful Creator of the Universe Our Father in Heaven please please please I beg!! To please stop all the fake media, social media and to have better health then what we have for people. To pray For the evil in Hollywood and Vegas to clean up the terrible unclean stuff. To pray to stop arrogance with pray for Steve Keith Vanvolkinburg Jr and Sr to get back to church get the rest of their Sacraments and for Steve Jr to stop drinking alcohol. To please pray that my grandkids Kaylee, Dayna, Diondrae Bowman get their Sacraments and get to church and that their parents change their ways and wake up and be better parents to show and guide their children the right way and to provide for the kids by working not by lying and cheating the Welfare system Government. To stop draining the Government for the ones that can work but want to sell drugs and get addicted and to our younger generation. To pray to End all Wars and to please pray for Krissi Gierer, Louis H Gierer, Kevin Gierer, Ruth V Gierer, Ollie Pearl Murphy, My brothers girlfriend Virginia that died, Pete & Delores Cipriano, all the Ciprianos, Kurt & Joann Gierer and their family, Paul & Kristina Walsh and their family, Konni & Terry Youngheim, Kerri R Gierer, Kory J Cipriano & his new wife Lana, for all the Vanvolkinburgs, Cessna’s Dave Cessna, Rob & Bernice Fields and family and Rob’s dad that passed, for Jim Caviezel and family, Aaron Crisler and family, Vivian on Instagram, Matthew Minkel, Shana Watts and her family and 3 kids, Kaylee Bowman’s friend Brooklyn, Bernard Malane and Mary Malane, Pam Malane Sarvady-Malane, James Sarvady, Jason Sellman, Sandy Ford and family, Tim Brown, Troy Fitch, Shane Portnoy, Greg Lane Johnson, Joann Stewart, Edward Vanvolkinburgs St and Jr, Paul Walker, all the ones I message back and forth on Social Media, for my turtles God created, please pray to help us with our attorney cases please I beg so we can get some help with our health and to help others and to get back on track and maybe get others to Medjugorie, please pray for my Dear Gardian Angel that Our Father gave to me to guide me and help me throughout life. Please pray for all innocent babies of the world being killed by abortions and to stop the killing of the elderly, Plane crashes, earthly destruction, please help Steve and I to work together to somehow lesson stress and to live comfortably so we can go to church and to help others and to get our health better, Cruz Fiore and his family, Daynas friend Tusnumi, Ashley Smith Kaylee’s friend and her friend Kendra, to help Kaylee to get her life somewhat in order and to go to church and become Roman Catholic along with her siblings and Steve K Vanvolkinburg Jr and I can be their learn more and stand over them, for Patrick Brennan and his family Amen Thank you so much Dear Blessed Mother and Our Dear Lord and Savior and Our Father in Heaven and The Holy Spirit and Holy Trinity Amen