Priest After Long Journey Discovers: “Medjugorje is the center of the world.” Powerful Testimony why Medjugorje will be the story for our times this year 2019!
Thanks to God, besides the many faithful who come every day to Medjugorje, driven by the desire to know for themselves what happens in the place where the apparitions of the Queen of Peace have been going on for 37 years, there are also many priests and bishops. Many of them go there to accompany their own parishioners and, punctually, remained conquered by the manner in which they pray, they approach the Confession and the Eucharist, we find, in short, the will to clean up their own spirituality, their own existence from all that does not belong to the Lord.
Medjugorje: “Our Lady is really appearing here”
Monsignor Hilarius Datus Lega, Bishop of the diocese of Manokwari, arrived in Medjugorje from Papua (Indonesia). Like so many prelates and devotees, he faced a very long journey, to see for himself what is happening in that holy place and to be blessed by the words of the Virgin Mary .
This is what he witnessed, following that pilgrimage: “Medjugorje is the center of the world, a place of prayer and peace; people come here because Our Lady is really appearing here, this is a place of renewal, of conversion, of a new beginning.Medjugorje attracts many people ; I can see personal relationships, this is all God’s work, something that he does through his Holy Mother and the visionaries, I really like everything I see here. God is always at work, if we see him or not, God’s message must be announced everywhere. “
After this testimony, Monsignor Hilarius Datus Lega made sure to stay in Medjugorje for at least three days. On his return to Papua , he was able to bring everyone the message of the Queen of Peace.
Antonella Sanicanti