The Eucharistic Miracle of Santarèm. The wafer continues to shed blood after 770 years

The miracle was born out of a sacrilege
HISTORY – Between 1266 and 1247 a young bride, tormented by her husband’s infidelity and in the extreme attempt to regain his love, turned to a sorceress.
The sorceress told her that she was able to develop a powerful love filter that would restore her husband’s original loyalty and passion. The indispensable ingredient for the potion, however, was a consecrated particle that the bride herself had to procure .
The young woman, while aware of the sacrilege, went along with the request and went to her parish, the Church of Santo Stefano, after receiving the Eucharist stealthily hid it in the corner of the handkerchief that she wore on her head. Once out she headed quickly home, but some people stopped her asking if she was injured because showy drops of blood marked her path.
The woman immediately understood where the blood was coming from and with breath in her throat she ran home, quickly hiding the particle – wrapped in a cloth – inside a cedar trunk.
A vision of angels
The woman seemed to calm down, the evening came, the husband came home and, after having dinner, went to bed as usual. Suddenly, however, in the middle of the night, they were awakened by a flash of light that throbbed inside the room and came from the woman’s trunk. This was then, forced to tell everything to her husband who was stunned to look at the bright and bleeding host . The two spent the rest of the night in silent and emotional adoration, also enjoying – at least this is handed down – a vision of angels adoring the prodigy .
As soon as it was morning they ran to warn the parish priest , the voice of the miracle spread and many people went to the house to prostrate themselves in adoration and pray. The host was brought back to the Church with a solemn procession , the parish priest placed it in a beeswax reliquary and the bleeding continued uninterruptedly for three days.

The host continues to bleed
Over the centuries, the host has appeared as fresh or dried and hardened bleeding tissue . According to those who have seen it, it remains irregular in shape and has veins that go from top to bottom. The fact that the host has remained intact for all these years is a “second miracle” , and continues to challenge skeptics.
“love filter” should be “love philtre”