History of the Jesus Rosary
Although we know that the Jesus Rosary is an ancient form of prayer, how and when it began is unclear. What we do know about this rosary is that is has been revitalized and is now a popular form of prayer in Medjugorje.
This new interest in the Rosary of Jesus began with an apparition at Medjugorje in 1983, when the visionary, Jelena, received a message from Our Lady asking to have a prayer group of young people formed with the Rosary of Jesus as its focus. Our lady taught Jelena how to pray the rosary and soon, prayer groups were formed in Medjugorje and throughout the world.
What does this Rosary Represent?
The Jesus Rosary is prayed as a devotion to the 33 years of Our Lord’s life on earth. Divided into groups representing seven mysteries. Each group calls for meditation on an aspect of the life of Jesus, and includes a particular intention related to the mystery, praying five Our Fathers, an ejaculation and an optional hymn or refrain.

How to Pray the Jesus Rosary
The rosary is configured with a crucifix and seven beads on its tail. It continues with a circular formation of eight reflection beads preceding six sets of five beads and one set of three beads. It is prayed:
Naming and Reflecting upon the Mystery
A Special Prayer Intention for the Mystery
Meditation and Prayer
Praying five Our Father’s on each set of five beads and three on the set of three beads which complete the last Mystery
The Ejaculation ~ O Jesus, be our strength and protection
A Hymn Verse or Refrain (if desired), after each Mystery
Praying the Jesus Rosary
On the crucifix ~ The Apostles’ Creed
FIRST MYSTERY ~ The Birth of Jesus
Prayer Intention ~ World Peace
Mediation and Prayer ~ Jesus, have mercy on all sinners turning their vices into virtues, make them true believers of Thee and bring them to everlasting glory. Have mercy on the souls in Purgatory, I beg Thee, for Thy Passion and Thy glorious name.
5 Our Fathers
Ejaculation ~ O Jesus, be our strength and protection
SECOND MYSTERY ~ Jesus’ Love and Compassion for the Poor and Afflicted.
Prayer Intention ~ The Holy Father and Bishops
Mediation and Prayer ~ Jesus, give me grace to embrace all afflictions and sufferings of this earth for the love of Thee; let me obtain the reward of heaven and eternal happiness.
5 Our Fathers
Ejaculation ~ O Jesus, be our strength and protection
THIRD MYSTERY ~ Jesus Trusted in His Father and Carried out His Will
Prayer Intention ~ All religious orders and vocations.
Mediation and Prayer ~ Jesus, grant me grace to love Thee for Thy goodness, kindness and patience, for the gifts given me and let me always love Thee.
5 Our Fathers
Ejaculation ~ O Jesus, be our strength and protection
FOURTH MYSTERY ~ Jesus’ Passion and Suffering
Prayer Intention ~ World Peace
Mediation and Prayer ~ Jesus, let me remember Thy Passion, Death and Resurrection. Let my life on earth lead to me to heaven and salvation.
5 Our Fathers
Ejaculation ~ O Jesus, be our strength and protection
FIFTH MYSTERY~ Jesus Sacrificed His life for Love of Us
Prayer Intention ~ Honor thy Father and Mother
Mediation and Prayer ~ Jesus, grant me resolve not to offend Thee, give me the strength of faith, hope, and charity in all my actions, sustain my patience, help me in my daily trials and tribulations and let me recall all the pain Thy suffered on my behalf.
5 Our Fathers
Ejaculation: O Jesus, be our strength and protection
SIXTH MYSTERY ~ The Resurrection of Jesus and His defeat over the devil and death
Prayer Intention ~ Purity in our Lives
Mediation and Prayer ~ Jesus, let me always remember the goodness, gifts, and kindnesses bestowed upon me and when I have offended Thee, comfort me with the promise of grace by penance and cleansing my soul to make me worthy of Thy kingdom.
5 Our Fathers
Ejaculation ~ O Jesus, be our strength and protection
SEVENTH MYSTERY ~ The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
Prayer Intention ~ The triumph of God’s will in our lives and the world
Mediation and Prayer ~ Jesus, my defense, my strength to fight and conquer my enemies, be my ever present grace, hear me and have mercy on me in my sufferings.
5 Our Fathers
Ejaculation: O Jesus, be our strength and protection.
CLOSING MEDITATION ~ Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to descend upon us; we honor that gift by reciting:
Holy Spirit, You who solve all problems; You who light all roads so that I may attain my goals; You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me, in all instances of my life You are with me. I want, in this short prayer, to thank you for all these things and to confirm once again, I never want to be separated from You in spite of all material illusions.
7 Glory Be’s
Ejaculation ~ O Jesus, be our strength and protection.
Marilyn Nash
Where can I find The Jesus Rosary?
You can find the Jesus Rosary on my website. Here is the link to its page: