The Miracles and Wonders of The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Miracles attached to the replica image)
By Dan Lynch December 28,2023 In contrast to the Culture of Death, with its loss of life and hope, St. John Paul II called Our Lady of Guadalupe the Mother of Hope and the Mother and Evangelizer of America. He went on to say, “Now is the time of the New Evangelization to lead the People of God in America to cross the threshold of the third millennium with renewed hope.” Our culture is in darkness, but we know that God’s grace and light pierce the darkness of sin to bring life and hope through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is an exact replica of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe that appeared on St. Juan Diego’s Tilma (cloak) in 1531 in Mexico. As we celebrate the end of our 32nd year of Visitations of the Missionary Image, we continue to experience that Our Lady of Guadalupe brings us hope! Am I Not Your Hope? Our Lady of Guadalupe said to St. Juan Diego, “Am I not your hope?” Mary is the Mother of Hope. She is the Mother of Jesus Christ who is our hope and brings life as the conqueror of despair and death. Through her, we should have the confident expectation of divine blessings with Visitations of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe reported to me, such as the closing of abortion centers, conversions, healings and the manifestations of heartbeats in the Image and of Holy Glitter on it. That gives us hope! The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe started her Journey in 1991 to bring hope and similar graces of conversions and respect for the dignity of all life that she gifted in 16th century Mexico with the conversions of millions and the end of human sacrifice. The Missionary Image has traveled on Visitations throughout the world bringing the good news of her Son Jesus. As we approach the end of this year, I reflect on the signs, wonders, and graces that have been reported to me by Cathy Grinn, our apostolate’s Coordinator of Visitations of the Missionary Image. I am again reminded of the importance of Our Lady’s Journey and the importance of our role to support it with our prayers, fasting, and work. Throughout the year 2023, Cathy organized many Visitations in many different states. Every Visitation is different, yet Our Lady’s love and grace remain the same in every place that she visits. She teaches us the importance of Jesus in our lives, she reminds us of the importance of our role in our families and our community, she shares with us the strength and the perseverance to continue to move forward in today’s dark Culture of Death, as St. John Paul II named it, with Our Lord and Our Lady bringing us peace, light, love, mercy, signs, wonders, and conversions. Signs, Wonders, and Conversions Many people have smelled the beautiful odor of roses manifested in the presence of the Missionary Image. I have also received reports of secretion of oil coming from the Image. Not only has Our Lady cried apparent tears of oil, but the secretion of oil has also been witnessed in the area of her heart and on her arm as the image of the Holy Family slowly became evident in a silhouette on the sleeve of Our Lady’s dress. As Our Lady traveled in her Missionary Image through many parishes, hearts were touched, and lives were forever changed. A young man, an atheist his whole life, decided to come to church to disprove the Image that would be visiting. His wife, a devout Catholic, had prayed for his conversion for many years and invited him to join her at church. When the young man stood before the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe he was mesmerized by her beauty. He stood silently staring at her from across the room before slowly approaching the Image. As he approached the Image, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was real; that Jesus existed; and that he was a child of God. This young man experienced a beautiful, profound conversion in Our Lady’s presence. He talked to the priest of the parish and is now taking ORCIA classes to fully understand this new relationship he has developed with Jesus and our Blessed Mother. Our Lady wishes to take us to only one place – and that is to her Son Jesus. Family Reconciliations Our Lady knows our hearts and Jesus knows our needs. A woman was drawn to the Missionary Image at a Women of Grace conference. As she prayed and venerated the Image, she asked Our Lady of Guadalupe for direction on a serious situation she was trying to handle. She was involved in a terrible custody trial after the children’s mother had passed away. She prayed about this all weekend, and with a heavy heart she prepared to meet at the courthouse the following week. Moments before her meeting, she was told there had been a reconciliation in the family! Prayers had brought the miracle this family so desperately requested, and so desperately needed. This year alone, 4 families have attributed their family reconciliations to Our Lady’s intervention and Our Lords Divine Mercy. Later this same woman became a Guardian for the Missionary Image and hosted a Visitation. In Kalamazoo, Michigan, many people who came to see Our Lady in the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe shared very personal, beautiful stories and felt that Our Lady had arrived for them personally. They were very touched and filled with peace and joy. The Visitation was a tremendous source of encouragement for the entire parish many of whom soon started preparations to consecrate themselves to Mary on December 12, Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Feast Day! Our Lady in Kalamazoo, Michigan “Let the Little Children Come to me.” (Matthew 19:14) In Monroe, Michigan, a young girl asked if she could walk up closer to the Image so that she could see “how beautiful she is.” She was told that she could go closer if she wanted to, so she walked directly up in front of Our Lady and stood there. As she reached out to touch Our Lady, this young girl jumped back, became very excited, and with a big smile exclaimed, “She touched my hand! She touched my hand!” As she left the church a little while later, she continued to turn and wave at the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The witnesses who were in line for confession were astounded at this. Many came forward to the Missionary Image and prayed with Our Lady before going to confession that day. Throughout the year, across the United States, there have been many prayer vigils, holy hours, rosaries prayed for the unborn and prayer vigils outside Planned Parenthood buildings. In addition, Our Lady has been venerated in several Pro-Life Marches, Pro-Life Rosaries and in endless prayers. During a Visitation In Massachusetts, a religious Sister from St. Faustina’s Order had spent the day with Our Lady in her Image, along with many other people who were there to venerate and pray. That very night, Sister was rushed to the hospital and required emergency brain surgery. She had no prior symptoms regarding this. Many people prayed for Our Lady’s intercession and Sister came through the surgery without complications and was on her way to a complete healing! The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was in New York for a Visitation in the Spring. The Image visited the home of a man who was battling Stage 4 Lung Cancer. Two days after venerating and praying for Our Lady of Guadalupe’s intercession, he received amazing news. All lesions, including the main mass, had decreased! Many Guardians have reported people seeing the colors of the Missionary Image change and illuminate. Some have also reported seeing the colors becoming vibrant then changing back and forth to the actual colors of the Image. Photos and videos have been shared showing these phenomena. In Doyles Town, Pennsylvania, people were moved by Our Lady’s presence and the peace that she brought to their community. Quite a few people continued a prayer vigil with Our Lady, as well as children. Actually, two children were blessed with hearing the heartbeat from the Image when putting a stethoscope to the womb on the Image. Another woman was very moved by the presence of Our Lady and heard the heartbeat as well as a warmth radiating from the Image. She commented, “This is so very beautiful.” As the evening continued, many people attending the event witnessed and reported feeling warmth around the Image or coming from the Image itself. Manifestation of Holy Glitter A woman had heard that Holy Glitter had sometimes manifested from the Image. She did not believe that this could possibly happen and asked Our Lady in prayer to show her if this was true. This woman was scheduled to be a Guardian for a Visitation with the Missionary Image. When the Image arrived, she and her daughter were praying the rosary with a few other friends. She walked up to the Image to touch and venerate Our Lady and when she pulled her hand away it was covered in glitter. Thinking someone was playing a joke on her, she tried to wipe it off, but the glitter would not come off. She then washed her hands, but the glitter from Our Lady would not come off. She shared that she may have been a “doubting Thomas” before, but now she is sure that Our Lady blesses us with signs and wonders when we need them. She shared she would never doubt again and felt very blessed to be given this gift. “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29). People continue to tell us how veneration of the Missionary Image has brought blessings to many mothers for safe deliveries; choosing life for their preborn babies; being healed from abortions or becoming pregnant when all hope was lost. The work that we do is making an impact in peoples’ lives. Click on the link below to learn how to host a Visitation of the Missionary Image: Please see my ads below for my book and my DVD that tell the whole story of Our Lady of Guadalupe from Columbus until today. Learn how to pray with her and how she healed a woman from post-abortion trauma. You may order my books from my Amazon author’s page at the link below: You may also order all of my products from our online catalog aat this link: In Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, Dan Lynch Our Lady of Guadalupe Hope for the World Read the whole story from 1492 to now! The Apparitions of Our Lady of GuadalupeThe End of Human Sacrifice and the Conversions of MillionsSaint Juan Diego, Protector of the Indigenous PeoplesSt. Pope John Paul II’s Devotion to Our Lady of GuadalupeThe New Evangelization with the Missionary Image of Our Lady of GuadalupeSigns, Wonders, Conversions and MiraclesHope with the Protectress of the Unborn and the Mother of Hope Praying with Our Lady of Guadalupe The only book that contains all of the Church’s prayers with Our Lady of Guadalupe! Pope John Paul II’s prayers with Our Lady of Guadalupe and his prophesies about her. Contains all Rosary meditations with Our Lady of Guadalupe, The Way of the Cross with Our Lady of Guadalupe, Novena, Chaplet and other prayers. Classic full color images. Teresita’s Choices A Novel of Life, Healing and Hope through Our Lady of Guadalupe based upon the experiences of real women. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH about the consequences of real choices for pre-marital sex and abortion, you should read this book. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH about the consequences of respect for life and the dignity of all human beings of all races from conception until natural death, you should read this book. See and hear from Guadalupe Experts and Pope John Paul II: The Aztec Culture of DeathThe Conquest of CortesApparitions, Miracles, Conversions and the End of Human SacrificeThe Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Signs, Wonders, Conversions and the End of AbortionThe Culture of Life with Testimonies of Mothers Saved from AbortionsPope John Paul II and the Mother of HopeAs seen on EWTN! Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations, Our Lady of America and Saint John Paul II 144 Sheldon Road, St. Albans, VT 05478 Phone: 802-524-5350 Visit our website at E-Mail Us at The Dan Lynch Apostolates’ Facebook Page May Our Lady of Guadalupe keep you under the mantle of her protection and may the Reign of Jesus King of All Nations be recognized in your heart! |
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