Robert Orlando claims that when we look through the lens of the Roman crucifixion, to find the “criminal Jesus”, we are coming face to face with the most transformative true crime story of Western history.

In a fresh approach, this documentary utilizes a New Testament and storyteller’s eye to examine the evidence behind the world’s most studied artifact and its connection to the historical Jesus. With new digital recreations, expert interviews, and the latest technology, the creators have reconstructed the actual crime scene surrounding Jesus’ crucifixion and present a mind-blowing fusion of faith and science for the first time.
Can the evidence behind the Shroud of Turin truly prove the story of Christ? From the bloodstain evidence we know the linen burial shroud did cover a man who suffered a brutal crucifixion, but we can also see details that go beyond a typical Roman form of execution to wounds particular to those suffered by Jesus as recorded in the gospel stories. The blood stained shroud indicates his crown of thorns, wounded side, the whip marks, and the presence of ferritin which proves extreme torment. This is actual blood with traces of hemoglobin, AB+ blood type, and a partial genetic profile, not artistic chemicals or dyes or paint. The film will also take you on a quest where you will see new scientific evidence being brought to light on radiological imagery. The evidence points to its authenticity not only as a burial shroud, but potentially the actual shroud of Jesus.
With the help of scientists and experts, Writer-Scholar-Filmmaker Orlando will reconstruct the narrative using forensic evidence to uncover whether the image on the Shroud could be the actual Jesus.
The church has yet to claim the Shroud’s authenticity, but many popes have venerated it in its home at the Cathedral of Turin. Many skeptics continue to challenge its authenticity, but as Pope John Paul II said, “The Shroud requires every person to grasp its profound message humbly to his reason and life.” In that, the Shroud might “mirror the Gospel.” Orlando agrees that “in our expanding digital age connecting the gospel story with the scientific evidence will spark a renaissance of interest in the origins of the Christian story and its profound impact on World History.”
The Shroud of Turin: A Catholic Perspective
The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the image of a crucified man. It has been venerated by Christians for centuries as the burial shroud of Jesus Christ. While the authenticity of the Shroud has been disputed by some, many Catholics believe that it is a genuine relic of the Passion of Christ.
Here are five reasons why Catholics believe the Shroud of Turin is the real image of Jesus:
- The Shroud bears the image of a man who was crucified in a manner consistent with the biblical accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion. The man on the Shroud has wounds in his wrists, feet, and side, which are consistent with the wounds that Jesus is said to have suffered.
- The Shroud has been carbon-dated to the first century AD, which is the same time period that Jesus lived.
- The Shroud has been subjected to extensive scientific testing, and no one has been able to replicate the image or explain how it was created.
- The Shroud has been the subject of many visions and miracles, which have convinced many people of its authenticity.
- The Shroud has a profound spiritual impact on those who see it. Many people who have viewed the Shroud have reported feeling a sense of peace, love, and compassion.