Dear friends,

the news, absolutely unexpected given the situation, is of extraordinary importance. It had never happened that the Madonna called Podrbrdo for a second apparition during an entire novena and in the middle of the night.

Our Lady’s initiative can be explained by the situation of great alarm in the world due to a war that is spreading and which risks plunging humanity into generalized chaos.

Our Lady calls the Parish of Medjugorje and all those who belong to it ideally to participate in this extraordinary intercession.

Let us join spiritually in this event wanted by the Gospa, which opens a new phase in which we must participate fervently.

Your Father Livio

Dear friends,

we noticed that the situation was becoming increasingly worrying from the messages starting from the beginning of last year.

The first concern is that of war. “Satan wants war and hatred in hearts and nations” (01.25.2023)

The second concern is the spiritual drift of contemporary man: “Modern man does not want God. Therefore humanity is heading towards perdition.”

The third and most serious concern is the lukewarmness and worldliness of many who responded to the call and who got lost along the way: “Modernism wants to enter your hearts” (25-09-2023). “The tares have taken many hearts and they have become sterile” (25-02-2024).

Our Lady gave a shock on January 1, 2024 by inviting everyone to Podbrdo and showing that she holds the Parish that she herself chose and shaped firmly in her hands.

Now, just at a time when everything was buried under a blanket of strange silence, he called the people for a novena on Podbrdo, with the related public appearance.

The Mother of the Church, it is clear, cannot allow Satan to raid souls, bring the faith to extinction and the world to destruction.

Hence the importance that all those who have responded to the call renew their faithfulness because these are times in which those who sleep will have a rude awakening.

Your Father Livio

From this evening 16 June at 9.55pm Radio Maria will connect to the Podbrdo hill to broadcast the novena with the Rosary followed by the apparition of the Madonna: Live on Radio – blogdipadrelivio.it – Facebook

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