Jesus told Padre Pio many things about the Antichrist, including:

  • The Antichrist will be a great deceiver, and many people will be fooled by him.
  • He will come to power during a time of great apostasy, when many people will abandon their faith.
  • He will persecute the Church and try to destroy it.
  • He will perform miracles and signs, but they will be false.
  • He will be defeated by Christ at His second coming.

Padre Pio also said that the Antichrist would be a very powerful and charismatic figure. He would be able to sway people to his side with his words and his actions. He would also be able to perform miracles, but these miracles would be false.

Padre Pio was a Capuchin friar who lived in Italy from 1887 to 1968. He is considered a saint by the Catholic Church and is known for his stigmata, the wounds of Christ that appeared on his hands, feet, and side.

Padre Pio had many visions and revelations from Jesus, including some about the future of the Catholic Church. In one vision, he saw a time of great apostasy in the Church, when many people would abandon their faith. He said that this apostasy would be caused by a lack of faith and love, and by the infiltration of the Church by false teachers.

Padre Pio urged people to pray and to stay faithful to the Church, even during the time of apostasy. He said that the Church would eventually be victorious, but that it would be a time of great suffering.

Here are some specific things that Padre Pio said about the apostasy in the Catholic Church:

  • It will be caused by a lack of faith and love.
  • It will be brought about by false teachers.
  • It will be a time of great suffering for the Church.
  • The Church will eventually be victorious.
  • We should pray and stay faithful to the Church, even during the time of apostasy.

The Antichrist is a figure that is mentioned in the Bible, but there is no consensus among Christians about who he will be or when he will come. Some Christians believe that the Antichrist is already alive, while others believe that he has not yet been born.

It is important to note that these are just some of the things that Jesus told Padre Pio about the Antichrist. Padre Pio’s visions give us a glimpse of what we can expect, and they remind us that we need to be prepared for the Antichrist.

We can prepare for the Antichrist by living our lives in faith and love. We can also prepare by praying, fasting, and making sacrifices. We should also be merciful to others and forgive our enemies. If we do these things, we will be ready for whatever the future holds.

Jesus told also Padre Pio many things about the end of times and the apocalypse. Some of the specific things that he said include:

  • The end times will be a time of great suffering for the world. There will be wars, famines, and plagues. Many people will die.
  • The Church will be persecuted, but it will eventually be victorious.
  • Many people will come to know Christ during the end times.
  • We should prepare for the end times by praying, fasting, and making sacrifices.
  • We should be merciful to others and forgive our enemies.

In addition to these specific things, Jesus also told Padre Pio that the end times would be a time of great hope. He said that the world would be renewed, and that God would ultimately triumph over evil.

Padre Pio’s visions of the end times are a reminder that we should always be prepared for the unexpected. We should live our lives in a way that is pleasing to God, and we should always be ready to help those in need. The end times may be a time of great suffering, but it is also a time of great hope. We can all play a role in bringing about God’s victory by living our lives in faith and love.

Here are some additional details about what Jesus told Padre Pio about the end times:

  • The apocalypse will be preceded by a time of great apostasy, when many people will abandon their faith.
  • The Antichrist will rise to power and deceive many people.
  • There will be a great tribulation, a time of great suffering for the world.
  • Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead.
  • The world will be renewed, and God will reign forever.

It is important to note that these are just some of the things that Jesus told Padre Pio about the end times. There are many other visions and revelations that he had, and it is impossible to know for sure what will happen in the future. However, Padre Pio’s visions give us a glimpse of what we can expect, and they remind us that we need to be prepared for the end times.

We should not be afraid of the end times, but we should be prepared. We can prepare for the end times by living our lives in faith and love. We can also prepare by praying, fasting, and making sacrifices. We should also be merciful to others and forgive our enemies. If we do these things, we will be ready for whatever the future holds.