The life of Saint Therese of Liseiux, also known as Little Therese,  was not always easy and while she was often surrounded by loving friends and family, she often felt lonely and struggled with depression and fear.

These feelings of loneliness appeared in her childhood, as well as during the time she spent in the monastery.

Struggle with depression, shame, fear and loneliness

I had to go to the monastery twice a week, and I have to admit that it hurt me, I was so shy. There was no question of the affection I felt for my companions, but, as I said before, I had no special friend among them with whom I could spend many hours like other older students.

So I worked in silence until the end of the lesson, and then, since no one was paying attention to me, I went to the stand in the chapel until my dad came home to pick me up.

THE One Sentence

Here, during this silent visit, I found my only comfort – wasn’t Jesus my only friend? In those moments, she remembered a phrase from a poem that her father, St. Louis Martin, had taught her as a child : “The world is your ship, not your home” and this phrase constantly helped her cope with loneliness and the fear of life .

Saint Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582) was a Spanish mystic and Carmelite nun. She is considered one of the most important figures in the Catholic Church and is known for her writings on prayer and spirituality.

Teresa was born in Avila, Spain, in 1515. She was a sickly child and her parents did not expect her to live long. However, she survived and grew into a strong and intelligent woman.

In 1535, Teresa entered the Carmelite convent in Avila. She was unhappy with the way the convent was run and, in 1562, she founded a new Carmelite order, the Discalced Carmelites. The Discalced Carmelites were stricter than the traditional Carmelites and they emphasized the importance of prayer and contemplation.

Teresa wrote extensively on prayer and spirituality. Her most famous work is “The Interior Castle,” which is a book about the different levels of prayer. She also wrote “The Way of Perfection,” which is a guide to the spiritual life.

Teresa was canonized a saint in 1622. She is the patron saint of Spain and of those who are sick.

Here are some of the things that made Saint Teresa a significant figure in the Catholic Church:

  • She was a pioneer in the reform of the Carmelite order.
  • Her writings on prayer and spirituality are still read and studied by Christians today.
  • She is considered a Doctor of the Church, which is the highest honor that can be bestowed on a Catholic theologian.
  • She is an inspiration to many people who are seeking a deeper spiritual life.

Saint Teresa is a complex and fascinating figure. She was a woman of great intellect and determination, and she had a profound impact on the Catholic Church. Her writings continue to be read and studied by Christians today, and she is an inspiration to many people who are seeking a deeper spiritual life.

Here are some additional details about Saint Teresa:

  • She was born into a wealthy family and had a privileged upbringing.
  • She was a gifted poet and writer.
  • She experienced many mystical visions and ecstasies.
  • She was a tireless reformer and founded over 15 new Carmelite convents.
  • She was a champion of the poor and the sick.
  • She is considered one of the greatest Christian mystics of all time.

Saint Teresa is a powerful example of a woman who used her intellect, determination, and faith to make a difference in the world. Her writings and example continue to inspire people today.