We miss you Mirjana! Medjugorje Today May 4, 2021 Since Mirjana’s big announcement the world has been in upheaval | Is the “permanent sign” on its way?
First of all we want to say how much we we miss Mirjana. We also want to thank her for accepting Our Lady’s wish to be one of her apostles of love. Mirjana’s witness and example has helped bring countless souls back to her son Jesus. Mirjana’s smile and love have saved so many from eternal hell. Thank you Mirjana!!
With Mirjana announcing the end of her monthly apparitions on March 18, 2020 – a day she said would have historic consequences and would begin to make clear Our Lady’s plans, thoughts now turn to the secret the visionaries have been allowed to speak about and that is the “Permanent sign”.
As the global covid-19 pandemic ravages the world and geopolitical upheaval emerges between China, USA, and Russia, some believe the arrival of the “sign” is on its way.
Here is a part of Father Livio’s interview with Mirjana where we talk about the “Permanent sign” on the hill:
Father Livio:
What will this sign be like?What can be said about the content of at least some secrets. It seems to me that something can be said of the third and seventh secrets. What can you tell us about the third secret?
MIRJANA: It will be beautiful. It will be a clearly visible sign, which could not have been done with human hands; a thing of the Lord that remains.
Vicka had this to say: Here is what we know:
“The permanent sign is to show the people that She is here among us…I’ll just say this: whoever does not believe without a sign will not believe with a sign. And, I’ll tell you this too: woe to him who delays his conversion, waiting for the sign. I once told you that many would come, and perhaps, even kneel before the sign, but will, nonetheless, not believe. Be happy that you are not among them! The third secret is about a sign that She will leave here [Medjugorje] on the Mountain of the Apparitions. This sign will remain forever. It is given above all for those people who are still far away from God. The Madonna wishes to give these people who will see the sign a chance to believe in God. I was able to see this sign.
The earth has never seen anything like it. It will appear suddenly, as if from nothing, or directly from the sky itself. It will come in such a way that people will have no terms to describe it. It will appear on the ground, can be seen and photographed, but can not be touched. Already today a webcam is constantly resuming the point where it will appear.

But first of all it will make many more people believe. According to the visionaries, one day a permanent sign will appear on the site of the first apparition. Beautiful and indestructible, the sign will lead to many conversions. According to Marija, there will also be healing.
“Of course, it will be clear to everyone that it is not something built and assembled. No one will be able to say that it was brought and placed in that particular place by, say, someone from Medjugorje, “Mirjana told the Catholic author-journalist Michael H. Brown in 2002.
Medjugorje: Enormous Grace and the Possibility of Believing
The Permanent Sign is the third secret known by the visionaries of Medjugorje. It is the only secret known to all the seers.
At least four of them also know when the sign will appear.
Since the first two secrets have been made and belong to the past at the time of the third secret, the sign will be perceived and experienced by people in the light of the first two secrets, or at least in light of the first Mirjana said that “will make people shake “And” will make people look at themselves in a new light “.
The Permanent Sign is destined to change more hearts because it has been preceded by the first two secrets. And according to the visionaries, changing hearts is all that the sign will concern.
Poppycock from an evil seer