Exorcist Priest: “During an exorcism, the devil told me that Medjugorje is his hell on earth!’…Face to face with the devil.
Don Ambrogio Villa is an exorcist priest of the Diocese of Milan. In the video that follows, he tells us about his particular spiritual experience.
His testimony is truly incredible. Speaking of a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, he says: ‘During an exorcism, the devil told me that Medjugorje is his hell on earth!’
This video is in Italian. (below there is a video with english subtitles.
During an exorcism, Don Ambrogio Villa found himself face to face with the devil. As often happens in the rites of liberation from the evil one, the priest has called the Virgin Mary into question. She is feared by every demon, we know that her purity surpasses every human virtue and, therefore, frightens, annihilates, disarms every evil being.
An exorcism with the power of the Gospa of Medjugorje
When Don Ambrogio Villa invoked the Virgin Mary – the Gospa of Medjugorje – the devil could not help but admit how much grace she was pouring on the earth. He had to admit the power of the Holy Rosary and the saving influence that it has, for every human being, in countering every demonic creature.

Even the audio of that particular exorcism has been made known, since Don Ambrogio Villa wanted to testify how evil is always defeated with the presence of the Virgin Mary.
Antonella Sanicanti
see also famous exorcist Fr Amorth speak of Medjugorje
So be it ?
Why would you trust what a demon says? Sound like more proof that Medj is a trick of the devil.
Do you mean satan is pretending to be the blessed virgin ????
When commanded the devil has to speak truth. It’s in the Bible, I think, I have heard it before.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed the fruit of your womb, Jesus, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of death, Amen
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle
Since when did the devil start to tell you the truth? The devil is a liar which puts the apparitions in a dubious light.
Please turn to Fatima
FRIAR Elias and his Fatima Companions are speaking truth look them up on utube
Spoke about the wolf blood moon everybody saw the horror of what man is deluting everyone into frightening state of mind
His son in law has the business of the mark of the beast micro chip and we must turn away from his authority he also worships the MEDJOURDIA false apparition with the excommunicated priest
And what he is doing with the seers! Adulterated lies. Using a hybrid alien saying he is Jesus spokes person is a lie president trump has a imaginary friend named zippy the daily show watch it. Joe biden repented the government is a mess. Republicans not trusting Democrats Nancy Pelosi repented too! Bill of rights never change but they add insult to injury and why we are in the predicament we are in. 2 conclaves saint pope John Paul ll spoke in his testimony credo
Mother said last 2 conclaves
Are indeed the 2 witnesses
Bringing this madness on us.
Thank you brother Jesus and Mother Mary
I am a third order sister hermit to notice everything I see and report it to the faithful.
Saint John Baptiste de Rossi
Warning 3 days of darkness
Saint Leo Xlll canonized him. 5/23/19 after Matteo Salvini was ignored of his request to protect italy with Mary’s mother of Jesus the God man’s protection and her own! Both pontificates know but ignore. So now Our lady of Good success has given us Prelado
A priest who rather remain quiet but very powerful in Holy Spirit!
Saint John Paul Ii
The Testimony is in The Movie Credo
Please watch it! Every part of it! Very important
Beatific vision
In likeness of pope Leo XIII!!!
Friar Ellias is false. He was & still is talking about one world religion but not in a Catholic sense….