Testimony of a mother with two children, Angie Fenimore has traveled all over the world. Primarily because it is about a previously completely non-religious person who becomes a Christian after his terrible experience.

Namely, she was 27 years old, apparently in a harmonious marriage with two children, but deep down she was terribly sad because her life and childhood were marked by violence and sexual abuse. She harbored sadness and anxiety in herself for years, and then she broke down, and not knowing what she was doing, she decided to take her own life.ADVERTISING

She overdosed and cut the veins on her hands. The combination that should definitely have killed her, experts say, but it didn’t work, she was taken to hell and not only that, she met Jesus and God the Father – the savior of the world. Today, she inspires millions of people who find strength, faith and most importantly – God in her book ‘Beyond the Darkness’ .

photo: Beyond the Darkness

Road to hell

In the book, it is written that while she was on the branch between life and death, she felt the separation of the soul from the body. SHe mentions a vibration that became more and more powerful, so powerful that it turned into screams, wails, screams. She saw her whole life beneath her.

She testifies that the vision of her life was quite short, and then….’then I was surrounded by an endless and tormenting darkness that permeated and sucked everything around’. ‘

Although it is a terrible darkness that encompasses every pore of everything, I got the chance to see around me, and I saw people staring into the darkness completely caught up in the loneliness and misery of their own existence.

I felt that they were dead, just like me. I thought they committed suicide as well. From moment to moment the darkness existed deeper and deeper, and the people I saw were self-absorbed. It was simply terrifying,’ says Angie, who realized throughout that trip that she was in hell, and hell, she writes, is ‘loneliness, that is, the absence of a glimmer of light, the absence of God. Although I was surrounded by people, I was alone, it was not possible to be near anything,’ testifies Angie, who says that it is a feeling you don’t want, it is a feeling of abnormal gloom – it is hell.’

Meeting with the Father

She adds that after that she heard a voice that, she says, contained a force that was able to destroy everything that exists. That voice was imbued with power, and then also with strong love and warmth, the same warmth that the Sun shines on us, only much more personal and intimate.

He asked me: ‘Do you really want this? The voice came from an unfathomable light, and although the light was so strong that it was impossible for us to comprehend it, it was a rest for my eyes, mercy. At that moment, I realized that I was near God the Father .

She testifies that it is the most beautiful sight she has ever seen. ‘Imagine that all the love in the world, all the light in the world, and all the good in the world comes from the same source.

I saw that source and realized that only I was aware of God’s presence in that darkness, that only I could see and feel that grace. Later I found out that only I saw it because I wanted to believe at the moment of death, I wanted salvation’. As she writes, that voice asked her again if she really wanted what she had done.

“I felt ashamed and told him: ‘My life has been so difficult.’ ‘As you can see it’s nothing with the nothingness that awaits you if you take your own life,’ answered the voice that was already getting angry.

The presence of the Savior of the world

At that moment, Angie became aware of another force that had been around her all along. It is about complete tenderness, strength and love like the Father’s but pure, untouchable grace. Then she realized that it was Jesus.

‘He seemed to understand my whole being and forgave me and freed me to the extent that I realized that He was saving me from eternal punishment and not only me, but the whole world. I was in the presence of the Savior of this world’.

Then Jesus showed her the sacrifice and all its pain that he bore on the cross, “he showed me the me that he carried while walking on Earth”. ‘Don’t you understand, I did it for you,’ he told her in a gentle voice.


Angie testifies today that she experienced God’s judgment and claims that God is the perfect judge.

‘Jesus and the Father communicated, a discussion began and Jesus was the one who represented me. His arguments were immediately accepted without a single objection because he seemed to know everything about me, he knew that I needed mercy. As they spoke, the two voices gradually moved towards one, they simply merged, they shared one voice, one purpose, one mind. They showed me what the law of the spirit is, the law of God, and they showed me what my selfishness has done to those left behind.

I realized that I would pay the highest price for the evil I did to others.

Then I broke down

However, when I asked them how I will now pay for what I did, because according to the laws they taught me, everything must be in accordance with God’s laws, they told me that my debt had already been paid and the Sacrifice had already been made. On the cross, Jesus took all the suffering of the world, everything that happened, but also everything that was supposed to happen, including my failures and pains.

But in order for my suffering and sin to be redeemed, I was told that I must accept the truth, Jesus, his gifts. Then I broke down. I realized how much pain I had caused my family and Jesus. I said that I accept everything that is given to me and got the feeling again – I want to live! In that moment, the darkness disappeared, and I survived! Today I testify that we are all saved, the entire humanity that said yes to salvation!’