A powerful prayer for inner healing

In life we all need inner healing. As we see our deeper inner selves before Our Father in Heaven we notice hurts and brokenness which we all carry.

We know that the various ups and downs of our lives have left scars that we feel and carry within our hearts. However, God the Father, in Jesus’ Name and Blood and in the power of the Holy Spirit, and through the powerful intercession of Our Heavenly Mother, is capable of restoring us and making us whole again with Him, others and ourselves. Furthermore, such a prayer will surely help us to sail on in life, irrespective the weather, the winds, the waves and any kind of storms we might be encountering on our way to our Heavenly Home.

Hence, let us actively participate in our healing by praying this powerful prayer aimed at the inner healing of ourselves by the Servant of God Padre Emiliano Tardif, a member of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

Father of kindness, I bless you and I praise you and I thank you.

Because for your love, you gave us your son Jesus,

thank you, father because in the light of the Spirit,

we understand that he is the light, the truth and the good shepherd that has come for us to have

life and we have it in abundance.

Today, father, I want to introduce myself in front of you, like your son.

You know me by my name put your eyes of loving Father in my life.

Lord You know my heart and you know the wounds of my story

You know everything I’ve wanted to do and I have not done yet.

And You also know what I did or how they hurt me.

You know my limitations, my mistakes and my sins.

You know the traumas and complexes of my life.

Today, Father, I ask you for love that you have your son Jesus Christ.

You spill your holy spirit upon me, so that the warmth of your healing love penetrate in the

most intimate part of my heat.

You heal the broken hearts and bandages the wounds.

Heal me here and now of my soul, my mind, my memory and all my interior.

Get into me Lord Jesus, how you got into that house where were your disciples
full of fear.

You appeared in their midst and told them:

«Peace to you»

Get into my heart and bring me your peace.

Fill me with your love, we know that love casts out fear.

Go through my life and heal my heart.

We know, Lord Jesus, that you do it whenever we ask and I’m asking you with Maria, my

mother, the one who was at the weddings of Cana when there was no wine and you responded

to her wish, transforming water into wine.

Change my heart and give me a generous heart, an affable heart, a kind heart.

Give me a new heart.

Let the fruit of your presence sprout upon me.

Give me the fruit of your Spirit that is love, peace, joy.

Make it come on me the Spirit of the Beatitudes, so I can savor and seek to God every day,

living without complexes or traumas together with others, with my family,

or next to my brothers.

Thank you, father, for what you are doing today in my life.

I thank you with all my heart because you heal me, because you liberate me, because you break

the chains and you give me freedom.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, because I am the temple of your Spirit and that temple can not be

destroyed because it is the house of God.

I thank you Holy Spirit for the faith, thank you for the love you have placed in my heart, how

great you are, Lord God, Triune and One!

Blessed and praised, Lord.

Pray often this prayer so that your inner self is healed by your Father in Heaven who loves you so much that He sent Jesus for you to save you so that you might have life, and life in abundance from this world.

Fr Mario Attard OFM Cap