End of the world: Coronavirus panic and African locust plague spark Bible apocalypse fears..”One of the signs that Jesus gives us for the end of the world is in Matthew 23, verse six and seven.” Biblical scholar
THE END OF THE WORLD is upon us, as Coronavirus, an apocalyptic locust plague and the conflict between Iran and the US fulfils the prophecy for Jesus’ Second Coming, according to outrageous claims among Biblical scholars.
The deadly disease has now claimed the lives of more than 1,300 people in China and is threatening to become a global pandemic, while conflict in Iran and the African locust invasion have the Middle East on high alert. But, Biblical scholar Melvin Sandelin, has urged viewers on his “Christian Life” YouTube channel not to fear, claiming it is just part of the process for the return of Jesus Christ. Mr Sandellin wildly suggested coronavirus is “just one of the examples” that the End Times prophecy is “being fulfilled” and he is not alone in his thinking.
He said last week: “We know that the end results of the Bible prophecies is that the world is going to come to an end when Jesus comes back.
“As we see these signs increase, we know that we are getting closer to that moment.
“But notice that one of the signs that Jesus gives us for the end of the world is in Matthew 23, verse six and seven.”
The Gospel passage reads: “And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars.
The Twelve Secrets of the Apocalypse given by Jesus to St. Padre Pio. “The world is walking into ruin”
“See that you are not troubled, these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
“And there will be famines, pestilence and earthquakes in various places.”
Mr Sandellin added: “2,000 years ago Jesus made the prediction that in the time before he would come back the world would not be free from disease and outbreaks.
“Despite the modern efforts being made by the medical world, new diseases and outbreaks still take place.
“The Wuhan coronavirus is just one of these examples of how we see End Times prophecy like this being fulfilled in front of our very eyes.