Every time you make Holy Communion you get these 5 powerful healings



I state that this idea that I would like to share with all of you is not my invention, but that I learned it by attending the Renewal Movement in my early years, in which I personally met Fr. Emiliano Tardif, Fr. Robert de Grandis, Fr. Beppino Cò …

Priest giving the Holy Sacrament


The beauty is that it is not necessary to run after any great charismatic, you do not need particular references, because in every Holy Mass celebrated by any Priest we can receive as many as 5 healings. We only have to put faith and attention on our own. I send you these notes with so much humility, in the hope that they will be useful to someone else. In my priestly experience I have found that, when I propose Holy Mass under this angle, it is not only appreciated, appreciated, but that positive results have never been lacking. Try it for yourself! … Peace!

The first healing can happen from the beginning of the Mass to the prayer and it is the healing of the soul: the healing from sin. We must bear in mind that the penitential act of Holy Mass does not replace Confession, especially if there is some serious sin in our hearts, but rather makes us aware that we urgently need it and makes us aware of our habitual sins, those with whom we made peace. It is the moment in which we recognize our poverty, our limits; it is the moment in which we present our spiritual diseases to the Lord. For the Lord this is the most important healing and opens the door to all other healings. When the paralyzed man, brought down from the roof, is presented before Jesus, He will first give him this healing with the words: “My son, your sins are forgiven” (Mk 2,5). If we think that sin is the remote and profound cause of all evil, by removing it, we radically and deeply fight every evil. It is on this point that we must linger longer, also taking care of our Confessions. Of course, the priest sometimes proceeds very quickly in this part of the Holy Mass. Perhaps we ourselves, priests, are the first not to realize the importance of this first part of the Holy Mass, which we consider only introductive, but also the Christians “habitual latecomers” … Personally I have verified many inner healings in this part. The signs found in me were not only the liberation from feelings of guilt with consequent inner peace, but also a greater strength and determination to attack my faults and wrong habits.


Then there is the second healing that we can receive throughout the Liturgy of the Word with the prayer of the faithful included. Here the healing of the mind takes place. If we open the mind and the heart to listen to God who speaks to us through the written word, proclaimed and explained, we will free ourselves from all our “according to me”, we will enter into God’s thoughts and ways, which bring back our whole being in the truth of God. Our brain heals from all those ideas to which we attach and which profoundly modify our negative behavior, which then causes somatization and profound evil. We must keep in mind that in human life everything starts from the head! … In every Eucharist a different Word of God is proclaimed and therefore our mind is exposed each time to the beneficial action of the Word of God. The Word of God at this time warms up indeed our hearts, as the two disciples have experienced on the road to Emmaus (Lk.24, 32). Joy peeps in our hearts and opens us to the action of God that continues to demolish our resistance and the obstacles placed on the path of all our healing. This part of the Mass is perhaps the heaviest part for us and that we “suffer” more. But it is the part of the most delicate analyzes and treatments, in which we must be not only concentrated but also quieter. The word of God is so effective that it is enough “one word” to procure healing and salvation (Mt 8,8). How many words instead slide on our heart, like water on the stones! How many seeds, bearers of so much new life, remain unused! Here too, the signs I have verified have been not only greater inner peace and joy, but also the warmth on the heart! We feel that the Lord is our ally, helping us to recover lost land. Hope really ignites our heart.


The Offertory up to the conclusion of the Prayer on the Offers can bring us the third healing : that of the heart, the healing of our selfishness that so many sorrows instead close it. The gratuitousness of the gesture of the offertory, manifested also by our participation in offering and sharing, opens our hearts to joy and we find the truth of this word of Jesus, reported only in the book of Acts: “there is more joy in to give that in receiving “(Acts.20, 35). Opening our hands and our heart in the gesture of offering we find the open heart, that is, in the best condition to receive the Lord in our heart. The sign we feel is that of a greater or total interior freedom that opens us to true prayer, like St. Francis of Assisi, who, now free from everything, could say with truth: “Our Father in heaven”. and no longer only “Father Bernardone”!

At this point we pass to the fourth healing which is that of prayer . Yes, freeing prayer, healing our prayer, so that it may be like the one that Jesus taught us: seeking the glory of the Father, seeking the Father’s Will, giving ourselves to the Father, prayer for the needs of the whole Church . The climax takes place precisely in that “For Christ, with Christ and in Christ …”. St. Augustine gives this answer to the question: “Why does the Lord not listen to our prayer?” “Because – he says – we ask” bad “(that is, bad),” bad “(that is, bad things)” evil “( that is, wrong) “. The sign that we will be given will be to feel the taste of prayer: prayer becomes truly joy for us!

From our Father until the end of Holy Mass there can finally be healing from any physical infirmity. But we must have the awareness that in the Holy Communion we touch Jesus in a physical way: We really touch him even in faith. We touch him and not just a piece of his cloak. We too as the sick of the Gospel cry to Him our faith and our invocation: “O Lord, I am not worthy to enter into my heart, but say only one word and I will be saved!” The sign that many have warned it is the heat right in the diseased parts of the body and immediate physical healing, or which has been completed during the week. 
Let us not forget to thank that leper who, only on the ten healed on the way, has returned to thank Jesus (Lk.17, 15-19). The final blessing will seal all the healing received.

When we are sick we go, of course, to the doctors, but let’s not forget that Jesus is “the Doctor of the doctors”. Let’s go to receive him in the Eucharist: we never go to magy / i etc … The Queen of Peace invites us to prefer Holy Mass to everything. Those who have been in Medjugorje know that at the end of every evening Mass there is the blessing of objects and the prayer of healing.

by P. Armando Favero OMI