Medjugorje – Mirjana spoke on different occasions about the time when she received details about the future of the world. 

She says that Our Lady assures her that God the Father is merciful and loves us, but she admits that at first she was afraid of the revelation and prays to Our Lady for mercy to humanity. 

She invites everyone to strengthen faith in these times and to pray more strongly and strongly and to be brave, only in this way will it progress and strengthen faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ.

 Devote yourself to reading the Bible and pray every day, many have grown cold in their faith and have gone their own way without God. God loves man, but does not love the sin in him. 

In an interview with Radio Maria, Father Livio asked Mirjana the following question about the secrets that tormented the seer. ” Mirjana, you know all the secrets. 

Even without revealing anything to them, what can you tell the world today about these difficult secrets? ” ” I prayed; the sentence is reduced. 

Repeated prayers and fasting lessen God’s punishment, but it is not possible to completely avoid punishment. Go through the streets of the city, count those who glorify God and those who insult Him. God can’t take it anymore.” 

The famous Vatican Mariologist, René Laurentin, talked with Mirjana about the secrets, and he wrote an important letter to Pope John Paul II about everything Mirjana told him. 

The letter says: During the apparition on December 25, 1982, according to Mirjana, Our Lady entrusted her with the tenth and last secret and revealed the dates on which the various secrets would take place . 

The Virgin revealed many aspects of the future to Mirjana, so far more than those told to other seers. That is why I am reporting here what Mirjana told me in the interview on November 5, 1983. Mirjana said that the Queen of Peace told her: 

“My angel, pray for the unbelievers. People will pull their hair, brother will beg brother, he will curse his past life, lived without God. He will repent, but it will be too late. After this, Gospa Tada, like in the movie, showed me the knowledge of the first secret. The land was desolate.”

And there was an upheaval in some regions of the world” . Mirjana cried and asked the Virgin Mary. ” Why so early? Queen of Peace: ” There is too much sin in the world. God can no longer look at this sin in man’s heart, which is great. 

Look around you and see what people are doing, and then you will no longer say that God has a hard heart. ” Secrets speak of a difficult future, but as always Our Lady reminds us that she is here with us and that her son Jesus will come and take us to heaven. That’s why he says not to worry about secrets, but to live your messages with your heart. 

You still have time to repent, can it be too late, Jesus is still calling for conversion while the time of his grace lasts. (Jesus will come as a king for his church as described in the Bible ). 

The Queen of Peace reminds us in a powerful way that she is with us and will never leave us. He HEARS our cry. Today, these messages are still important until what was said is fulfilled. 

On June 25, 2020, Mirjana said: “Dear children! I listen to your cries and prayers and I intercede for you before my Son Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Return, little children, to prayer and open your hearts in this time of grace and set out on the path of conversion. Your life is passing and without God it has no meaning. That is why I am with you to guide you towards the sanctity of life, so that each of you can discover the joy of living. I love you all, little children, and I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for answering my call. “