‘Greatest scam in history’: Greenpeace co-founder thrashes global warming ‘brainwashing’ campaign -This abomination that is occurring today in the climate issue is the biggest threat to the enlightenment that has occurred since Galileo.
Published time: 9 Mar, 2019 02:39Edited time: 9 Mar, 2019 02:42Get short URL

© Reuters / Philippe Wojazer124
Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore had harsh words for the modern environmental movement, calling global warming “the greatest scam in history” and denouncing the use of “fear and guilt” to push the message.
“The climate catastrophe is strictly a fear campaign – well, fear and guilt,” Moore told Breitbart radio host Rebecca Mansour. “You’re afraid you’re killing your children because you’re driving them in your SUV and emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and you feel guilty for doing that. There’s no stronger motivation than those two.”
This abomination that is occurring today in the climate issue is the biggest threat to the enlightenment that has occurred since Galileo.
“Nothing else comes close,” Moore insisted, likening the contemporary environmental movement to “a toxic mix of ideology, of politics and religion.”
“CO2 is the food for life! It’s not pollution,” the would-be heretic declared, claiming that the use of fossil fuels had actually “saved life from an early demise” because CO2 had been declining since the last ice age, with barely enough for the earth’s plant life to sustain itself, until humanity stepped into the breach during the Industrial Revolution.ALSO ON RT.COMGreat Barrier Reef rodent becomes 1st official ‘climate change extinction’
Moore, who founded the pioneering environmental activist group almost 50 years ago to protest nuclear war, met with an outpouring of support from conservatives and weary Democrats alike, after tweeting a scathing rebuke earlier this week to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose quixotic Green New Deal has become the standard-bearer of the 21st century environmental movement. He continued along those lines, criticizing the anti-climate-change movement for “co-opting and corrupting” politicians and allowing the environment to be treated as a political football without understanding of the meaning behind the rhetoric.ALSO ON RT.COM‘Pompous twit will get us all killed’: AOC tweet-tacked over Green New Deal by ex-Greenpeace founder
Democrats “might as well have signed a suicide pact,” Moore said. “Not just for their political future, but for the future of the economy of the US, for all these people to be piling on the Green New Deal, which is a complete and utter ridiculous document.”
But Moore reserved his harshest words for the Sunrise Movement he believes is backing Ocasio-Cortez.
They’re brainwashing these children into thinking the world is coming to an end in 10 years. There’s got to be billionaires behind this. I want to know who they are. I think we need to hunt them down.
It is the Sin of Mankind Falling Upon Us!!
It is not global warming; it is not global cooling. It is not climate change. It is not climate extremes. It is not CO2 that is food for plant life, although, it is all the above. God’s word is telling us, it is the Sin of Mankind affecting the planet earth more and more severely. It is a recoil of the planet’s eco-systems from mankind’s rebellion and chaotic mindset against God’s order to this planet earth and the universe; the order of Love. If we follow God’s order for abundant life on this planet earth, we will receive our rains in proper season and our sunshine in proper season. We will have food, clothing, shelter, and peace in safe communities, but there is continual chaos and disorder, at this time on this planet. According to prophecies that have been accumulated since the 1990s, in a book and web site “After The Warning To 2038” this age is coming to a close
God’s Instruction for Order on our Planet: Leviticus 26:3-4, God says, “If you live in accordance with my precepts and are careful to observe my commandments (order), I will give you rain in proper season, so that the land will bear its crops, and the trees their fruit; your threshing will last till harvest time, and your harvest till the time for sowing, and you will have food to eat in abundance, so that you may dwell securely in your land. I will establish peace in the land, that you may lie down to rest without anxiety. I will rid the country of ravenous beasts, and keep the sword of war from sweeping across your land.”
Weather extremes in various places:
Amos 4: 6-9 “Though I have made your teeth clean of food in all your cities, and have made bread scarce in all your dwellings, Yet, you returned not to me, says the LORD.
Though I also withheld the rain from you when the harvest was still three months away; I sent rain upon one city but not upon another; One field was watered by rain, but another without rain dried up; Though two or three cities staggered to one city for water that did not quench their thirst; Yet you returned not to me, says the LORD. I struck you with blight and searing wind; your many gardens and vineyards, your fig trees and olive trees the locust devoured; Yet you returned not to me, says the LORD.”
Curses revoked:
2 Chronicles 7:13-14 “If I close heaven so that there is no rain, if I command the locust to devour the land, if I send pestilence among my people, and if my people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my presence and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and revive their land.”