Letter of Divine Power and Beauty About Our Lady of Medjugorje

Dear friends, one of our listeners (whom I do not know) sent me a letter where she expresses her great love for the Madonna. I would like you to read it too (P. Livio)

Letter to Father Livio : Our Lady is a Mother

Dearest Father Livio, I am writing to thank you and all the people who collaborate together on this great project desired by the Madonna, Radio Maria, on this great family and for everything that as a good shepherd you carry forward, as a church, for the faithful, for Jesus and Mary but above all for the talents that God has given you and that you, through your word and the radio, tirelessly give over time to all of us and to those who follow you.

When she speaks of the Queen of Peace, she does not only speak of intercession with her son who looks at the world and who fights Satan, but she speaks of a Mother so affectionate, so caring that through her tenderness she does not want to lose any of her children as she always reminds us. The Mother of all Mothers, the Mother of our Lord ready to pick us up after every fall just like when we were little and our mothers did with us.

 She was always ready next to her Son our Lord, even when despised, slandered and defamed, she carried that heavy cross, that heavy wood to redeem the sins of each one of us, good and bad, of all the earth. A Mother and what a Mother, tireless who does not judge you or condemn you as the world still often does with many brothers, the words of Jesus will never pass, they are eternal always current, because history repeats itself and does not change.

A mother so caring that if she scolds you (for those who know how to listen) she does it only with the love of a mother, She does not look at you for the clothes you wear, or the color of your skin or how you are, She opens wide her loving maternal arms of a mother, to hold you and to tell you, I am always close to you, I am your Mother and I will not leave you alone, even if you do not see me, believe me, talk to me I know you, I knew you before you came into the world, I know your thoughts, your anxieties, your worries, your problems, your pains your joys and I am always with you, in every moment, in every instant, in every hour of the day of the passing time, I walk with you, courage I am at your side do not fear because sometimes nothing is easy but nothing is impossible for God, because as Pope Francis says, we walk on the narrow sidewalk of life, a Mother who invites us to look beyond, a Mother who invites us to continually look at the highest good: “Her son Jesus” always with us, especially in our last moment of life.

In the messages that Our Lady continues to give us in a clear and unequivocal way, it seems as if She shows us the path to follow in all of them, in the one given to Mirjana on 18/3/24 She speaks and reminds us that She is always present near each one of us as a Mother, for the merciful love of God and invites us to believe in love, an unconditional love that is in communion with Her Son, the love that opens wide and illuminates the hearts of those who welcome it, that always supports you, for this reason we must follow Her son to have peace and be happy already on this earth, that is why Our Lady probably wanted a novena, where once again she urges us to change, all then on the occasion of the anniversary of the apparitions, this is the true victory, because the love She speaks of is good, a good full of mercy and because otherwise there is evil that destroys.

We are called as the people of God and children of Mary, for what little we can, to put our daily shoulder under the cross of our brothers, alongside those who suffer, not to be lukewarm or indifferent, not to throw it at them.

Only in this way if we strive to see the world with different eyes with the eyes of Mary and Jesus, the eyes of love, the eyes of goodness and tenderness will the world be saved, only if we are truly her children, apostles or people of Mary, we owe it to those who gave us life and to the new generations who will come after us, with our conversion with our belief we can all stop the wars that afflict the world and the earth on which we live to live in peace.

I like to remember a prayer that my mother who is now in heaven often recited. “O blessed rosary of Mary, sweet chain that binds us to God, bond of love that unites us to the Angels, tower of salvation in the assaults of hell, brought safe in the common shipwreck, we will never leave you again. You will be our comfort in the hour of agony, to you the last kiss of life that is extinguished and the last accent of our lips, will be your sweet name, refuge of sinners o Sovereign consoler of the sad. May you be blessed everywhere today and always on earth and in heaven Amen.”

Dear Father Livio, I love you, you have been and continue to be a gift from God for those who listen to you, a sincere friend, a father, a brother, a disciple of Jesus and son Mary, a friendly voice without age, who tirelessly even in the silences of time like the Baptist, speaks and cries in the deserts of life. I greet you affectionately, thanks for your books and I wish and pray to the Lord that He will always protect and bless you, Radio Maria and all the people who help you in your daily life and are always close to you.
