Medjugorje & The Mystery of March 18th and the Biblical significance of the number 40- Fr. Mark Goring (New)

Medjugorje & March 18th Speculation – Fr. Mark Goring, CC

Get ready for this special global event – Across the globe thousands of apostles of Our Lady’s love will be praying  the  Rosary on the 40th anniversary of Our Lady at Medjugorje -Let’s honor Her with this special prayer for peace…. COME CELEBRATE MEDJUGORJE

One thought on “Medjugorje & The Mystery of March 18th and the Biblical significance of the number 40- Fr. Mark Goring (New)

  • So many priests and laity, throughout the world, continue to claim that Medjugorje is not approved by the Catholic Church, yet the events (apparitions) of the first 7 days are in fact approved by the Church.

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