Medjugorje Today April 22, 2021:- Triduum for Our Lady awaiting April 25th Message
Triduum of prayer awaiting the words of Our Lady of Medjugorje for us
How can we wait for the message of Our Lady in Medjugorje on the 25th of the month? We thought of creating a triduum of prayer, to be recited every day (for three days) while awaiting the words of the Virgin to the visionaries.
Prayer to Jesus
Jesus, we know that You are merciful and that You have offered Your Heart for us.
It is crowned with thorns and our sins.
We know that You are constantly begging us so that we do not get lost.
Jesus, remind you of us when we are in sin. By means of Your Heart make all men love each other. Disappear hatred among men. Show us your love.

We all love You and we want You to protect us with Your Shepherd’s Heart and free us from all sin. Jesus, enter every heart! Knock, knock on the door of our heart.
Be patient and never give up. We are still closed because we have not understood Your love. Knock continuously.
Arrange, oh good Jesus, that we open our hearts to you at least when we remember your passion suffered for us. Amen.