The frigid,  snowy weather on the East Coast where Mystic Post operates reminds us today of  an unforgettable message from the early days of Medjugorje

 In February of 1984, On a very cold and an icy winter day, Our Lady gave this haunting message of special beauty to the visionaries. She said:

“The wind is my sign. I will come in the wind. When the wind blows, know that I am with you. You have learned that the Cross represents Christ; it is a sign of Him. It is the same for the crucifix you have in your home. For me, it is not the same. When it is cold, you come to church, you want to offer everything to God. I am, then, with you. I am with you in the wind. Do not be afraid.”

Now for 40 years, Our Lady beckons us to open our eyes to the signs of her presence here on earth. She asks us to open our hearts to all the graces Her son is granting the world. She says that through prayer the face of Jesus will be revealed to you.

In  a Message given to Mirjana on March 2, 2016, The Holy Mother asks us to see the face of Jesus in the souls of those we encounter and  as Christians we should recognize this as a  gift from Heaven.

Medjugorje Message, March 2, 2016 – Apparitions to Mirjana

“Dear children, My coming to you is a gift from the Heavenly Father for you. Through His love I am coming to help you to find the way to the truth, to find the way to my Son. I am coming to confirm the truth to you. I desire to remind you of the words of my Son. He pronounced words of salvation for the entire world, the words of love for everyone – that love which He proved by His sacrifice. But even today, many of my children do not know Him, they do not want to come to know Him, they are indifferent. Because of their indifference my heart suffers painfully. My Son has always been in the Father. By being born on earth He brought the divine and from me received the human. With Him the word came among us. With Him came the light of the world which penetrates hearts, illuminates them and fills them with love and consolation. My children, all those who love my Son can see Him, because His face can be seen through the souls which are filled with love for Him. Therefore, my children, my apostles, listen to me. Leave vanity and selfishness. Do not live only for what is earthly and material. Love my Son and make it so that others may see His face through your love for Him. I will help you to come to know Him all the more. I will speak to you about Him. Thank you. ”