Most People are not aware that your prayers to the poor souls in Purgatory not only help them get to Heaven but also your prays provide the faithful “New intercessors” that can help you in your life on earth.
This was made known in a Medjugorje Message dated November 6, 1986. Our lady said:
“Dear children! Today I wish to call you to pray daily for souls in purgatory. For every soul, prayer and grace is necessary to reach God and the love of God. By doing this, dear children, you obtain new intercessors who will help you in life to realize that all the earthly things are not important for you, that only Heaven is that for which it is necessary to strive. Therefore, dear children, pray without ceasing that you may be able to help yourselves and the others to whom your prayers will bring joy. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”

Medjugorje and Purgatory
Medjugorje is a town in Bosnia and Herzegovina that has been the site of reported apparitions of the Virgin Mary since 1981. The six visionaries who have seen the Virgin Mary have said that she has spoken to them about many things, including the importance of praying for the souls in Purgatory.
In one of her messages, the Virgin Mary said, “Pray for the poor souls in Purgatory. They suffer greatly and they need our prayers.” She has also said that the souls in Purgatory can be helped by our prayers, sacrifices, and acts of love.
The Catholic Church teaches that Purgatory is a place where souls who have died in a state of grace but have not yet made full atonement for their sins are purified before entering Heaven. The souls in Purgatory are not condemned to hell, but they are still in need of God’s mercy.
Our prayers for the souls in Purgatory can help them to shorten their time in Purgatory and to enter Heaven sooner. We can also help the souls in Purgatory by making sacrifices, such as fasting or giving up something we enjoy. We can also help them by doing acts of love, such as helping others in need.
The apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Medjugorje have been a source of great devotion for many people. The messages of the Virgin Mary about Purgatory have helped to remind us of the importance of praying for the souls who are still suffering there.
If you are interested in learning more about Medjugorje and Purgatory, I encourage you to do some research on the topic. There are many books and articles available that can help you to learn more about these important Catholic beliefs.
Here are some specific things that you can do to pray for the souls in Purgatory:
- Pray the Rosary for the souls in Purgatory.
- Offer Mass for the souls in Purgatory.
- Make a donation to a Catholic charity that helps the poor and needy.
- Do an act of penance, such as fasting or abstaining from something you enjoy.
- Ask the Virgin Mary to intercede for the souls in Purgatory.
By doing these things, you can help to bring the souls in Purgatory closer to God and to shorten their time in Purgatory.
Nice message re: Purgatory. I have no problem with that. All the obsession with these umpteen secrets will distract one from doing Gods Will. There will be many who call me Lorf, Lord but only those who do the Will of the Father will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Stay the course children an keep your eyes turned toward heaven and not secrets