Scisim – Is German Church about to Cave and accept the “Spirit of the Age? – Fr. Mark Goring, CC

Steve Drake
3 hours agoFrancis is telling the German church that they cannot just make up their own decisions about doctrine and morality? In case no one has noticed, that’s what Francis has been doing ever since he became Pope! He is setting the tone for the Church. His rebellious attitude toward Traditional Catholicism, and his heretical teaching that has been called out by various theologians, is setting the tone for the rest of the leaders of the Church. Francis is the one who is ultimately responsible for the current collapse of the Church that we are seeing in the world today. His protest to the German Church is hypocritical, at best

One thought on “Scisim – Is German Church about to Cave and accept the “Spirit of the Age? – Fr. Mark Goring, CC

  • To Steve Drake 3. You are totally wrong about Pope Francis. Pope Francis has not and will not change or discard any Catholic doctrine. Unfortunately there are some very foolish ultra Conservative people in our church who are promoting a schism. Be a faithful Catholic and support Pope Francis.

    God Bless


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