“She always talks about secrets, but this loneliness scandalizes and worries me”

Source Fr.Livios Blosg\

“She always talks about secrets, but her loneliness scandalizes and worries me”

Dear Father Livio, I am Luca from Verona (54 years old). One of the reasons I respect you so much is that you always talk about the Ten Secrets. But his loneliness scandalizes and worries me.

In fact I know of many priests and parish priests who don’t even want to hear about Medjugorje; but thank God there are many who believe it. Even among these, however, there is not one who speaks of the Secrets; at least among those I met in my pilgrimages to Medjugorje.

I once asked one of these, a very good and esteemed exorcist, what he thought of the Secrets, and he replied in a brusque and annoyed way that people shouldn’t be scared.

However, there are many priests and I know few of them. Therefore I would like to ask you this: is there any priest in Italy who speaks about the Secrets to people, in the parish, in his homilies on Sunday? How should they talk about it? What advice would you give to these priests?

Ave Maria


Dear Luca, there is no doubt that the secrets are the culminating moment of the Medjugorje apparitions, when the Queen of Peace, sent by her Son, will implement her plan of salvation in favor of the Church and humanity.

Whoever believes in the apparitions of Medjugorje and follows the messages of the Queen of Peace must consistently also believe in the secrets.

The six visionaries are always very faithful on this theme every time they are consulted, even if they do so in a sober way, because they cannot reveal them more than Our Lady has allowed.

In any case, the secrets, except the third, are events caused by man or nature that already mature in society and it is up to us to exercise discernment.

These events concern the Church and the world, that is, persecution and war, and this is what we can already verify in society. As we move forward everything will become clearer.

Furthermore, Our Lady said that she came to complete what she began in Fatima. In reality the secrets of Medjugorje are merely the clarification of the secrets of Fatima.

Having recognized Fatima, the Church also took into serious consideration what Our Lady revealed to the three shepherd children on 13 July 1917.

In this sense I do not feel alone at all: Pope Benedict XVI himself, in his pilgrimage to Fatima, stated that the prophecy of Fatima had partly been fulfilled, but partly had yet to be fulfilled.

St. John Paul II went further when in Fulda, in 1980, he mentioned the catastrophes that would strike the world and the persecution that would strike the Church.

Pope Francis, as soon as Russia attacked Ukraine, hastened to solemnly renew the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Everything has already been revealed. Anyone who has read the secret of Fatima in its entirety already knows the essentials about the secrets of Medjugorje.

Their peculiarity is the revelation three days before, which will trigger an unexpected spiritual awakening and therefore the final victory of Mary and the persecuted Church.

Finally, I am sure that the Priests, who have gone to Medjugorje in recent years, already from the first secret, will understand that the Gospa’s plan is being fulfilled and will not fail in their responsibilities.

Ave Maria

Father Livio