On April 2, 1968 perhaps the most dramatic manifestation of the supernatural since Christ walked on earth occurred in Egypt in the outskirts of Cairo in a town called Zietoun.

The Egyptian town is known as the place where Mary had come with Joseph and Jesus when they fled from Herod.

The apparition of the Virgin Mary was first seen by Muslim bus mechanic, Farouk Mohammed Atwa, who worked across the street from the church of Saint Demiana.

At first, he thought that the apparition was a woman attempting suicide by jumping from the structure. Two other men also noticed a white figure on the top of the church.
The sighting was reported to the police. A crowd began to gather by the cathedral and the police attempted to disperse it. According to the police, the sighting was just a reflection of the light from the street lamps.

However, the crowds viewed the sighting as a clear apparition of the Virgin Mary, and so the attempts by the police to disperse the crowd were unsuccessful. The apparition lasted a few minutes that night but within months millions of people bore witness to the extraordinary event of the miraculous presence of the Virgin Mary as she continued to appear above the Coptic church almost nightly.

What makes the Miracle of Zeitoun so special is the indisputable visual evidence and the eye-witness testimony of so many people.

The apparitions of the Virgin Mary were in fact televised. She was seen by more than a million people.

The apparitions were broadcast by Egyptian TV, photographed by hundreds of photographers and personally witnessed by Egyptian President Abdul Nasser, an avowed Marxist.

The apparitions lasted for three years with numerous unaccountable healings recorded by various medical professionals. The local police, who initially thought the apparitions were an elaborate hoax, searched a 15-mile radius surrounding the site to uncover any type of device that could be used to project such images. They were completely unsuccessful.