The Crow and the Dove and The Papacy of Francis -What It Says about the Secrets of Medjugorje

Dear Father Livio, 

Source Fr. Livio’s Blog

Sorry to bother you. 

Could you just tell me a yes, a no, or a maybe? In January 2014, during the Angelus, the two white doves were killed by a crow and a seagull. Ethologists and scientists said it was a simple act of predatory, normal in nature.

My question is: could this Sign “indicate” the beginning of the Secrets during the papacy of Francis?

My thanks to His presence are now uninterrupted daily, annual, and decennial.

The Lord bless you!!!!!


Dear Claudio.

The event of Sunday 26 January 2014, remembered by you, when from his window overlooking St. Peter’s Square Pope Francis released two doves, symbol of peace, remained memorable.

Immediately the birds were attacked by a seagull and a crow. The two doves were mercilessly grabbed, leaving the Pontiff and all those who had seen the scene perplexed.

Given the religious context, the horrifying event was interpreted by most as a message from Heaven, also because God often sends his messages through signs and natural events.

After years of distance, we can see in what happened near the Dome a warning about what is happening in the world today, with the two wars in Europe and the Middle East, which broke out when no one expected it.

That these two conflicts, harbingers of a third world war, are to be linked to the beginning of the secrets is more than plausible. However, one must not be too hasty, because events mature first in the hearts of men and then explode suddenly.

The Queen of Peace is watching the moves of the evil one and warns us. It is from her messages that we can realize the future that is approaching.

She reveals to us the dangers, the seductions, the deceptions and at the same time gives us the indications. We must be very careful to do what she tells us for our own good and beware of the sowers of discord and of forked tongues.

I am not so sure that the first secret is near, because it does not seem to me that the Apostles of the Gospa are adequately prepared. In the message of May, before the novena, Our Lady had warned us with very clear words: “Children, you are still far away”.

Our Queen has everything in her hands and will make all that her Son desires come true. But we must be ready to follow the Mother as faithful, obedient and devoted children.

Father Livio

Ave Maria