This video was taken in a foreign country, during a big storm and rain. Just as the Bible says that there will be various signs in the sky, so this video was captured by a person who happened to see the image of a divine person during a time of strong wind and rain in the middle of that time.

The water that rose above the ground, even bigger than a tree, moved towards the people who were fleeing from the strong storm that had hit the place, the high waves on the sea rose up.

Nothing is strange and Jesus himself said in the gospel that there will be various signs from heaven, and even with time, various earthquakes, the signs are as a warning to warn the people to return to the right path from which many have gone, but the gods love he wants many to return from the wrong path to the right path and to save them while there is still time.

Jesus answered this question clearly and unambiguously. In Matthew 24 and Luke 21, He gave us some “signs” or signs by which we can know that His return is near. . Let’s take a closer look at the ” signs “, that is, the road signs that direct our route to heaven.

There will be great destructions of the earth, and in various places there will be plagues and famines. There will be a frightening sunset and great signs in the sky. Also, when you see this happening, know that the Kingdom of God is near! ” (Luka 21,11.31) What is ѕ rotreѕіma?

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The year that ends and the one that begins belong to the time of great trouble, when waste spreads, wars multiply, natural disasters occur, persecutions intensify, the Gospel spreads among all nations, unusual phenomena occur in the sky and it is getting closer. there will be floods all over the world and various calamities This is true.

The earth is getting old. The environment is polluted, natural resources are decreasing and people are starving due to lack of food and water. That is why I invite you to remain firm in faith, sure in hope and ardent in love. There is no doubt, we are obviously living in the time that Jesus described: “The Gospel will be preached in the whole world, only then will the end come.”