The little known devotion of the “1000 Hail Marys” — How to prepare for Christmas
From Antonella -11/29/2019
The 1000 “Ave, o Maria”. A little known devotion, due to Saint Catherine of Bologna, who can help us to prepare ourselves well for Christmas.

Many devotions have been well thought out and acknowledged by the Church, while others are still being discussed.
Beyond any “earthly” test, it is faith that leads us to believe that Mary manifests herself in the world, because we know well how immense her love of Mother is and how her greatest desire is to convert and lead us, one day, to her Son Jesus, Savior of the world.
In memory of her apparitions and manifestations, we want to mention a particular devotion that, for 25 days, will invite us to recite 40 “Hail Mary” a day, for a total of 1000 “Hail Mary”.
The practice of 1000 “Hail, Mary”
This particular practice dates back to St. Catherine of Bologna . Every Christmas, she recited the 1000 “Hail Mary”.
It happened, then, that, on the night of December 25, 1445, she had the apparition of the Madonna who offered her the Child Jesus. The Saint held him in her arms, “for the space of a fifth part of an hour”!
Today, in memory of that prodigious event, his followers and Sisters honor Christmas night as their predecessor did.
For the faithful, instead, it was chosen – and for convenience – to continue the tradition with the recitation of 40 “Ave, or Maria” a day, from November 29th to December 23rd (for 25 days, in fact).
And that’s what we ask you to do too.
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The most beautiful prayer!
Hail Mary , full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Antonella Sanicanti
From the “Treaty of true devotion to Mary”
[23] “God the Father has gathered all the waters and called them the sea, he has gathered all the graces and called them Mary . This great God possesses a treasure and a very rich emporium, where he has enclosed all that he possesses of beauty, of splendid, of rare and precious, even his own Son. And this immense treasure is Mary, whom the saints call: the treasure of the Lord, from whose fullness men are enriched “ .