The Mysterious and Little Known Apparition of Our Lady to 15 Orphans Near Medjugorje

“La Gospa” appeared to a group of children from the Community of Sister Josipa”

Dear Father Livio, I thank you for all the good you do for us, for the tireless testimony you offer us every day. I have been going to Medjugorje for 25 years and I will never stop thanking Our Lady for calling me to that Holy Place.

After a few months I took my brother with me on a pilgrimage, we got to know the beautiful reality of Sister Josipa’s community who took care of orphaned children fleeing the war, destroyed families desperately trying to survive.

My brother chose to stay in the community for a few months as a volunteer. Now 25 years have passed and it’s still there!

In the summer of 1999 in August we witnessed an event that was extraordinary for me; during the prayer in the adjacent grove with the presence of all the children, who must have been around fifty, the youngest around 2 3 4 years old, around fifteen, knelt down at the same time and pointed to a well-defined point. My brother holding a little girl in his arms who was also pointing to the same point.

This lasted a few minutes. My brother asked the little girl what she had seen and she candidly replied “Gospa” and said in her child language that she looked like a fairy and the other children also said the same thing.

Then when Sister Josipa took them one by one, they replied that that Lady had called them “My Angels”. I want to point out that the older kids didn’t see anything.

Tell me father if this testimony is true! How can very young children stage a pantomime of this kind! I tell you this episode because in Medjugorje the Madonna is really present, she looks at us every moment, we are her children and she loves us immensely.

With love, Giuliano 

Dear Giuliano,

 the event of the apparition of the Madonna to a group of children from Sister Josipa’s Community is well known to the inhabitants of Medjugorje and was told to me by Vicka, who was a regular visitor to that community of war orphans.

Those children are now young people and are witnesses of the presence of Our Lady in Medjugorje in these times of modernist denials.

I also remember an apparition to Vicka, in the community chapel full of children, in which the visionary received a message which she reported orally immediately afterwards and of which I have retained the most important statement: that is, that we must be “a Church of living pieties”.

I have always been amazed by such a lofty message for a young audience. Not if Our Lady wanted to allude to a future in which “being living stones” is the situation of the Church in the time of persecution.

 In any case, the signs and wonders of this long presence of Our Lady in Medjugorje, of which many pilgrims are witnesses, must be jealously cultivated in everyone’s heart and witnessed when necessary, because the darkness of disbelief and lies always thickens more on the world and in the time of secrets, the certainty of the presence of the Mother of God among us is the necessary condition to be victorious with Her.

Ave Maria

Father Livio