Vanity Fair Features Pope Francis on the cover of January 2021 Magazine
Pope Francis on Vanity Fair (Source “La Luce di Maria)
“ Vanity Fair ” has decided to entrust its first cover of 2021 to Pope Francis . The Holy Father has agreed to write a message of hope and love which has been published in the weekly, on newsstands since January 6.
” We are all in the same boat, we must become a great human family ” – writes the Pontiff. The decision to entrust the first page to the Holy Father has already been agreed with his collaborators in recent months.
To explain the reasons is the director of Vanity Fair himself, Simone Marchetti : “ We had a dream for the end of 2020: to start the new year with a message from Pope Francis. Entrust him with the task of opening 2021 with confidence in a better tomorrow ”.
Diversity, respect and love are the themes of the Pope’s message
Love, diversity, respect for the other: these are the themes addressed by Pope Francis in his message. But, one above all, hope in the end of the pandemic , and looking at the vaccine as, yes, the cure, but ” a cure accessible to all ” – the Pope writes.

The cover image: a smiling Pope
The image chosen by the weekly already strikes before the message. A proud Pope, smiling and looking ahead , addressing his words and his invitation to everyone, to every man and woman, all belonging to the same family that is the whole of humanity. But, the most important thing was also the choice, by the entire editorial staff of Vanity Fair, to translate the message of the Holy Father into several languages.
The Pope’s message continues, within the issue, with an extract of the Urbi et Orbi Christmas blessing granted to Vanity Fair.
A special message that touches every social category, which reaches all men and women, always according to the will and will of Pope Francis .