Vicka on Purgatory: “They wait in great anguish” … She says do this to dodge the “Gray misty fog”

Medjugorje visionary Vicka tell us that Purgatory is a very big space and in appearance is much like a misty gray fog that looks like ashes. There people are weeping, moaning, trembling in what seems like terrible suffering. The Blessed Mother told Vicka, “These people need your prayers, especially the ones who have no one to pray for them.” Vicka adds that this is why we have to pray so much for these poor souls; they desperately need our prayers to go from Purgatory to Heaven.


 Vicka, in a conversaation with Sister Emmanuel said 

During the apparition with the blessed mother  there was a lot of talk about the after-life and purgatory. You understand, they wait in great anguish”

Sister Emmanuel told a crowd in a talk about this conversation and said to the group: “I didn’t want to ask for more of Vicka but these simple words said it all.”

More from Vicka’s conversation about Purgatory with Sister Emmanuel:

Vicka: “For us who are on earth, knowing whether this or that of our relatives is still in purgatory or already in heaven is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to realize what a treasure the Gospa offers us on a silver platter, with her school of love in Medjugorje. The one who enters your school will not do purgatory! 

We don’t even talk about it! Our decision to become saints corresponds in full to God’s plans for our life, it is not pride as I have often heard.

The Gospa has filled her messages with sure means to go straight into heaven and the one who lives them already feels joy in her of heaven, not the joy that comes from human satisfaction when all is well, but the all-divine joy that remains even in trials.”

I like to quote these words of Mary to Jelena Vasilj in 1986: “If you abandon yourself to me, you will not notice the passage from this to the other life. You will begin to live the life of heaven on earth.” 

But our journey with Vicka is not over …