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Another piece of good news: during the “Month of Mary”, from 1 to 31 May, we can make a great gift to the Madonna. Sr. Emmanuel explains: “Speaking one day with the visionary Vicka, she confided to me: “When the Gospa appears to us, she gives us great graces, thanks that she has never given before and that she will not give in the future”.
Then I asked her: “If I am next to you during the apparition, will these great graces fall only on you and not on me since I don’t see her?”.
But Vicka shouted: “Of course they will fall on you too! If you open your heart to his coming”.
Then I asked her: “If I am next to you during the apparition, will these great graces fall only on you and not on me since I don’t see her?”.
But Vicka shouted: “Of course they will fall on you too! If you open your heart to his coming”.
“And do I get them even if I’m far from Medjugorje, in America or in China?”
“Of course, because what matters is that you welcome her into your heart when she comes.”
Isn’t this a great news for all of us? I therefore propose to all those who wish to welcome her, to be silent for a minute or more at the moment of the apparition, to speak to her heart to heart, beginning with thanking her for the apparition. (In the summer hours, from April to September, the apparition takes place at 6.40 pm local time). It is a meeting that will unite us all concretely around our Mother, the Queen of Peace. Even a simple Ave Maria would be a great gift for you and us. The ideal would be to say a rosary if possible.
If the hour of the apparition falls during the night, according to the time zones, everyone can set a specific time to live this special meeting and dive into his arms!

You know how much Mary dreams of reuniting us all under her maternal mantle, in the union of our hearts. “My greatest joy,” he said to the prayer group, “is to see you pray together with my Son Jesus, with one heart.” Is not the Rosary a contemplation of the life of Jesus through the eyes of Mary? “When I was on earth,” he tells us, “I prayed the Rosary continuously. I had the eyes of my heart always fixed on the life of Jesus, my Son, and this is the prayer of the Rosary ”. (see PS1)
We will pray ardently for the reopening of the churches, because this must be granted to us as soon as possible
From the newsletter sent by Sister Emmanuel Maillard
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