Vicka reveals to the world what Our Lady asks from us during lent and how to walk with Jesus. Learn how to “Rise with Jesus” Words from Heaven
Medjugorje. Vicka on Lent:
‘If we carry a cross let us offer it to Jesus! We often see Lent as a time when sacrifices are made by depriving ourselves of coffee, alcohol, chocolate, cigarettes, television or anything else that we are too attached to. But we must renounce these things for the love of Jesus and Mary, and we must be careful not to do it for our personal glory.
We often look forward to the end of these forty days just to be able to start drinking, watching TV etc …, but this is not the right way to live Lent!
It is certain that Our Lady asks us for sacrifices, but she always asks for them, not only during Lent. In Lent, we must offer God all our desires, our crosses, our diseases and sufferings, so that we can walk with Jesus, walk with him towards Calvary.
We should take it to heart to help Him carry the Cross, since He carries the Cross for all of us, and we should ask Him: “Lord, how can I help you? What can I offer you? “. I am not saying that He is not able to carry His Cross, but when we join Him wholeheartedly, then it becomes a beautiful thing. I don’t turn to him only when I need him, but I walk with him when he needs me most, when he suffers for us.

Many times, when we have a cross, we could offer it to him, and instead we start praying like this: “Lord, please, take this cross from my shoulders, it’s heavy, I can’t carry it. Why did you give it to me and not someone else? “ No! This is not how we should pray! Our Lady tells us that we should rather say: “Lord, I thank you for this cross, thank you for this great gift that you give me!”
Visionary Marija says: “Our Lady is preparing us for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. “…She says “PREPARE FOR NEW TIMES”