Visionary Marija – “Today so much media goes against God, against the Church, against the Sacraments”

Interview of Br. Livio with visionary Marija on the occasion of the message of January 25, 2019

P. Livio: Yes. In fact, already in the messages of Mirjana, the Virgin, in November, December and also in January she said that her children no longer have faith. I have the impression that it is a time when Satan is free from his chains and there is a general rebellion, a diffusion of the spirit of evil. It is a very difficult time.

Marija: Yes, because today there is a lot of confusion. Today I heard a testimony from a priest from New Zealand who came to Medjugorje. He said that in his country there is no longer faith, that people are very confused, young people say that God does not exist, they do not want to have any reference, because sometimes they have had some experience of suffering or violence and they point to one hundred , instead of saying that, out of one hundred saints, one is a sinner, instead of saying that one is wrong and we should pray for his conversion. Many times, these negative experiences and more today with so many media, go against God, against the Church, against the Sacraments. Instead, Our Lady calls us and brings us back to prayer, conversion and personal encounter with God.

The Full Interview

P. Livio: Marija, this message seems to be an invitation to Spiritual Exercises: silence, prayer and conversion.

Marija: Yes, it seems as if we are approaching Lent, also by naming the heat, it is calling us, not only to conversion, but also to the time of silence, time of prayer in the warmth of our hearts.

P. Livio: Today, Marija, January 25, the feast of the conversion of St. Paul is celebrated. It seems that there is also a very important reference in this regard.

Marija: Yes, she tells us: “Today, as a mother, I invite you to conversion.” The Virgin, every 2 of the month, invites us to mother, but I think that rarely in the messages of the 25th she told us that as a mother she invites us to conversion. I think maybe we are moving away and She, as a mother, with the authority of a mother, wants to say: “Convert yourselves”.

P. Livio: Marija, do you think that the Virgin choosing the 25th of the month to give the message has thought about these coincidences? on January 25, the feast of the conversion of Saint Paul; March 25, the Annunciation; December 25, Christmas

Marija: And on June 25, the anniversary of the apparitions.

P. Livio: Do you think I’ve chosen the 25 for that reason?

Marija: No, I do not know. For me the Virgin, from the beginning, has always led us to special moments, important moments that the Church has chosen as holidays. The Virgin always gives great importance to these dates, for this reason I also think that it is not chance. I also believe that this invitation that the Virgin gives us every 25th of the month, is not indifferent, but something very concrete. We always say that the Virgin never tires of inviting us to conversion, of helping us, of telling us that Paradise awaits us and that we must commit ourselves.

P. Livio: Marija, do you think that, with our chaotic life, we managed to find this silence? For me it can be easier because I live alone, but for those who live as a family, how is it to find silence?

Marija: I remember that from the beginning of the apparitions of the Virgin, through our prayer group in the parish, she often asked us to pray on the hill in silence. Many times I had asked to write letters to give them to Her. I remember that those moments were a treasure for our life and I believe that until we remain silent with God, we will not have the experience of God. For this reason, I deeply believe that Our Lady wants to help us to have this meeting with God. Today, many people say they have no experience of God, they say they do not believe.But that happens because they have not given him time, they have not been with him. The Virgin says that you do not know if you are not with her, therefore, you do not know God if you are not with him in prayer.

Father Livio: In the silence, is His Voice heard?

Marija: Yes, in the silence the voice of God is heard. This is why the Virgin continues to call us to conversion.

P. Livio: It is also in the silence when we can give our yes, because, if this is missing, the conversion never begins.

Marija: Yes, the Virgin calls us, not only to pray, but to silence, to the warmth of our heart that that seed, that little plant of faith can grow.

P. Livio: Already on other occasions, in winter, the Virgin had referred to the grain that is in the autumn and remains under the snow, and then it appears in spring. In this way, we too, with the warmth of the heart, can make the grain of hope and faith appear.

Marija: Yes, because I believe that the Virgin is already thinking about this great tree that grows with the experience of prayer. This tree in which there are not only leaves or fruits, but a tree in which they can hide, nest and live the birds. It is not only about to seed, but about all of our spiritual life that can become a great tree if we allow it to God and the Virgin with our yes.

P. Livio: It is also true, as the Virgin says, that if we begin to pray, we feel more and more the need to pray.

Marija: Right. Some time ago it was said that eating was learned to eat, so, praying, you learn to pray. When it starts, it can be difficult, but here in Medjugorje we see that many people say they have not prayed as many people as they are here and they feel the need to return and when they are in their homes, they have more desire to pray . This is a very beautiful fruit of Medjugorje because it leads to continuous, incessant prayer.

P. Livio: Yes, it takes the breath of the soul. Let’s say that after the initial fatigue, eat the joy, the joy of prayer.

Marija: Yes, because, with the experience of personal prayer, the encounter with God comes. You know, while the other preach, they speak, they say, they testify, but when you have the experience of prayer, of conversion, nobody can take it away from you, it belongs to you. I remember that the first years we prayed a lot, we felt chosen, we felt children that we had received too much. Sometimes, we spent all night on the hill of the apparitions praying. These experiences are vital for us today because it is the experience of meeting God, not only with the Virgin, but the personal encounter of God with me. This is what the Virgin asks us this afternoon, that we make this personal experience, that we are closer to God.

P. Livio: It is true, each one of us can experience it inside.

Marija: The Virgin tells us that when we live this experience, with responsibility, order and love, we must witness to it.

P. Livio: Marija, I was very impressed by the phrase of the Virgin that says: “your life will become orderly and responsible”. This means that our life is disorderly and irresponsible. While waiting for your call, I reflected on these words and certainly, in our life there must be a hierarchy of values. That is, God in the first place, all spiritual things go first, like the soul and then all material things.

Marija: Exactly. The Virgin asks us for an order because without him there is nothing but confusion.

P. Livio: Yes, also “responsible” can mean that everyone is responsible for their own life, that no one can be for you. You are the one who will answer before God and not another.

Marija: Right. Today, we celebrate the feast of Sant Paul, we see it in his life. He, after his conversion, felt the responsibility of witnessing preaching and loving.

P. Livio: There is another expression of the Virgin: “You will understand, my children, that you are passing here on Earth.” That is to say, when prayer meets God, eternity is found and we realize that life is here on Earth is nothing more than a blink of an eye. Life happens very fast, but we are aware that it does not end in nothing, as many think.

Marija: Right. For this reason, the Virgin took Jakov and Vicka to see Paradise, Purgatory and Hell. The Virgin wanted them to see that life does not end but in Paradise, but we have to earn it. She asks us to put order in our lives, to follow the Commandments, that the course of this life is close to God in love, in dedication, in witness, in the experience of the encounter with God.

P. Livio: Yes, to witness, first you have to have that meeting, because without that meeting, the words are just talk. This also applies to priests because, if God is not found in prayer, our words can not convince anyone.

Marija: I deeply believe that we have the need for that encounter with God, and He gives himself to us if we give him our yes. The Virgin asks us to put order and not only in our lives, but also with our neighbors, with our family, with the Church, always looking towards eternal life.

P. Livio: In this message, especially when he says: “I pray for you, but I can not do it without your” Yes “, I see a reference to the motto of a Youth Encounter that said:” Behold the handmaid of The Lord, let it be done to me according to His word. ” That is, that we give our yes, as she gave his to the will of God.

Marija: Very nice! I had not thought of it. Also the Meeting of Youth in Latin America, in Panama, reaches my heart because there are priests and diverse communities very close to Medjugorje. For all the preparation that was made before the meeting and there was also a Marian Journey with the Pope. This idea was to have a time of preparation with prayer. I sent them a message to tell them that I joined, in prayer, with all the young people of Latin America and also with those from all over the world to be moments of great grace.

P. Livio: Yes, let us pray that this Youth Day will be a way of spring hope for the Church.

Marija: Yes, because today there is a lot of confusion. Today I heard a testimony from a priest from New Zealand who came to Medjugorje. He said that in his country there is no longer faith, that people are very confused, young people say that God does not exist, they do not want to have any reference, because sometimes they have had some experience of suffering or violence and they point to one hundred, instead of saying that, out of one hundred saints, one is to sinner, instead of saying that one is wrong and we should pray for his conversion. Many times, these negative experiences and more today with so many media, go against God, against the Church, against the Sacraments.Instead, Our Lady calls us and brings us back to prayer, conversion and personal encounter with God.

P. Livio: Yes. In fact, already in the messages of Mirjana, the Virgin, in November, December and also in January, she said that her children do not have longer faith. I have the impression that it is a time when Satan is free from his chains and there is a general rebellion, a diffusion of the spirit of evil. It is a very difficult time.

Marija: Yes, there is much confusion in the hearts, but there are also many people who pray, many young people who have hope in their hearts. In fact, I feel a great joy when I see so many young people who come to Medjugorje and give their testimonies. That’s when I see that there is hope. We should not be negative because there is hope because the Virgin is with us and She tells us: “I am with you”.

P. Livio: The Virgin is really building hearts, one by one.

Marija: Yes, we often think negatively, but the Virgin is concrete, She is hope. When the apostles were confused, She told them: “Pray.” Then, let’s pray. Let’s do it in the silence of our heart, in the silence of our room, as Jesus says. May our prayer be stronger every day so we can fight against all evil.

P. Livio: Thank you Marija that you have comforted with these beautiful words of hope because, as you said, evil makes a lot of noise, but good is silent, acting and defends itself with great force, even if we do not see Item.

Marija: And we must never forget that Our Lady is with us and we must move forward with determination, with determination, with pride, with faith and with hope. We must pray and witness to our faith without fear and without shame. From this faith that God has given us through His love, through the Commandments, through His Mother who is sending us each day. When I think about it, I am moved and I would cry with joy, as the Virgin says: “If you knew how much I love you, you would cry for joy.” This is our joy, this is our pride, pride of having been called to be faithful God, love God above anything. Therefore, do not be discouraged and pray that with God and the Virgin we are victors.

P. Livio: Marija, where are you now?

Marija: I’m in Medjugorje. He is very quiet these days, a very beautiful time, a time of prayer and of encounter with God through the Virgin. I want to say that I have very much in mind in my prayers all the people of Radio Maria, especially the sick.

P. Livio: Thank you very much Marija.