Visitations of Our Lady of Guadalupe
May 31, 2021
May 28, 2021
May 31 is the Feast of The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She made her first Visitation to a town of Judah. She was pregnant and St. Elizabeth, her elderly, pregnant cousin, greeted her and cried out with joy, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should visit me?” (Luke 1:42-43).
Mary is still making Visitations and traveling great distances to hear us cry out with this joy. Elizabeth’s awe, wonder and true humility are being shared today by people throughout America. They are ordinary people like Elizabeth and like you who are honored by Visitations from the Blessed Mother in the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe!
St. John Paul II asked Our Lady “to visit as a pilgrim of faith, each and every diocese, parish and family in America, repeating to her children what she said at Cana, ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ (Jn. 2:5). May she cross this continent bringing it life, sweetness and hope!” This is the mission of our apostolate.
The Missionary Image needs to travel on Visitations to melt hearts and to raise what St. John Paul II called “a great prayer for life” in order to transform our culture from a Culture of Death to a Culture of Life. We celebrate the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth with this in mind.
Missionary Image Visitations, Signs, Wonders and Healings
Cathy Grinn, our Visitation coordinator for the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, sent me this report:
My heart is full of joy and awe at the goodness of Our Lord and the beautiful way Our Lady leads us to healing!!!! Not only was it a physical healing, it was spiritual healing as well! Our Lady brought a woman back to Jesus after many years of being away from the Church! After her prayer in front of the Image, Confession and Eucharist, she was later healed.
She had been suffering from Stage 4 Liver Cancer that had moved to other parts of her body. The test results that she received showed no pelvis cancer, no cancer in the chest, 70% liver cancer GONE, and a tumor that had been 2.5 cm was now .07 mm! Father Phil, Pastor of St. Michael Parish in Monroe, Michigan, shared this, with her permission, on his Facebook Live. Within a month of praying with Our Lady, going to Confession and receiving Jesus in the Eucharist, she was completely healed.
Praise God for his mercy and love. I was so blessed and so excited to see Our Lady bringing us a beautiful miracle during this pandemic. A ray of hope that we needed in these troubling times.
During Her Christmas travels, Our Lady was brought into a home for a woman in Corning, New York, who has MS and is in a wheelchair. Her son died tragically in December and Brian Mizzoni, our Guardian of the Image, wanted to share Our Lady with her. Brian brought the Image into the woman’s home, set the Image up and went back toward the door. On the floor where the Image had entered, he saw a small red flower that resembled 4 rose petals. He asked the woman if she had any flowers. She did not, nor were there any in the house or outside the house. A likely sign from Our Lady. (See the photo below.)
Later, in Lake City, Michigan, Jeanne, the parish secretary who helped Father Alex at St. Stephens Parish coordinate the Visitation, took some photographs. He wrote, “I was on my way out. I took a couple of pictures of the church decorations, then went back up to Her to take just a couple more. I was thinking, ‘I’ve never had a rosary turn to gold, it’s not like I need proof that you’re here. What could you possibly do anyway, change a picture after I take it?’ I smiled and left.”
After looking at her photos when she got home, the two pictures that she took one right after the other, with no adjustments to her phone settings, were very different. One photo appeared to almost look 3D or as if Our Lady was floating outside the photo in the same way that the Image looked to her in the church as she stared at her face during her veneration of it. As the Visitation continued, Jeanne shared that the parish was extremely blessed in a number of personal ways and that they have requested two additional Visitations with Our Lady this year.
“How has it happened to me, that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?” Luke 1:41-4
Guardian Maryanne O’Toole of Newark, New Jersey, shared, “What an honor and privilege it was to have received Our Lady during the pandemic! What a gift! We live in northern New Jersey in the Archdiocese of Newark and our churches are locked … not open even for private prayer or a visit to the Blessed Sacrament! In the midst of this darkness, this total eclipse of our Holy Catholic Church, came Our Lady of Guadalupe to our home … our life, our sweetness and our hope! As I ponder Her arrival, I was reminded that not only has Our Lady arrived, but She brings with Her Baby Jesus. We were no longer being deprived of Our Lord; Our Lady had brought Him to us!!”
During the pandemic many signs and wonders were witnessed by the faithful and the courageous who answered the call to host a Visitation and share Our Lady with the world as best they could. As with all Visitations, Our Lady was in control and the blessings flowed as well as God’s mercy through His Mother!
On the 4th of July Our Lady was set up on the front lawn as a steady flow of people came to venerate and pray with Our Lady. A neighbor, completely unaware of who Our Lady of Guadalupe is, shared “I was drawn here by her beauty.” Our Guardian, Maryanne O’Toole, shared, “I was so moved by the presence of Our Lady in the neighborhood. I could feel Her graces and blessings flowing out to the nearby homes, our entire block, the neighborhood and even passersby in cars and on foot.”
God bless our priests who opened their hearts and allowed the Holy Spirit to lead during the pandemic as they came up with creative ways to continue to share Our Lord with His people. As we continue to heal from this pandemic, physically, mentally and socially, may God continue to bless us and show mercy to those who need His divine love. And may we continue to open our hearts to His call to share His love through His loving Mother. Mary always brings us Jesus, the perfect love our hearts desire.
You too can host a Visitation like these. Please help us continue these life-giving Visitations so that Our Lady will melt hearts, intercede and bring miracles, conversions and the restoration of a Culture of Life to our nation today. To learn more about being a Guardian of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, call Cathy at our office at 802 542-5350, ext. 14, visit our website or see the ad below. It is easier than you think and the joy that you will experience will be immeasurable.
As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, we need your help to hopefully continue our mission into the next 30 years.
We plead for your mercy. Giving alms is a work of mercy for which God will bless you.
“Be not sparing of freewill gifts. With each contribution show a cheerful countenance, and pay your tithes in a spirit of joy. Give to the Most High as He has given to you, generously, according to your means. For the LORD is one who always repays, and He will give back to you sevenfold.” (Sirach 35:7-10). Thank you for your generosity!
Host a Parish or Diocesan Visitation
If you would like to host a Visitation of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, please contact us.

A Visitation consists of visits of the Image to different sites and promotion of Our Lady’s Mission to end abortions and bring conversions in the New Evangelization.
The images visit churches and wherever else Our Lady’s motherly love is needed. The images bring works of mercy to convents, prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, schools and abortion centers. Because of the presence of the image, many abortions have been prevented and over twenty abortion centers have closed through Our Lady’s intercession.
Host a Home Visitation

Perhaps Our Lady is calling you to host a Home Visitation for her. The format consists of viewing of our video, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of Hope! and praying the full Novena to her.
All you do is watch our video, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of Hope!
Then pray the full Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of All America, in front of her Image, or, if possible, A Holy Hour for Life, Peace and Protection.
Invite ten to twenty people to your home or group, show the video and lead the prayers. Easy!
Please call Cathy at 802 524-5350, ext. 14, if you would like more information.