Young Polish Seminarian Ordained on Deathbed. Pope Grants Permission for early final vows… “Pray, pray, pray”

Brother Michał Łos, 24, was ordained in the Oncological Hospital of Warsaw on May 24.

Łos belongs to the community of Don Orione, founded in Italy.

He was studying in his last year of theology, when, shortly before Easter, he learned of his deadly illness, which spread quickly despite intensive treatment.

Given his critical state, Łos professed his final vows on May 23 in front of Father Oreste Ferrari, the Vicar General of his order.

Previously, his community asked the Vatican for permission to ordain Łos ahead of time. This occurred on May 24 through the hands of Warsaw-Praga Auxiliary Bishop Marek Solarczyk. In the same ceremony, a bed-ridden Łos was ordained a deacon and priest. He then concelebrated with the bishop and gave his first blessing (video).

Bishop Solarczyk presented him with the chasuble, he had worn during the Mass with Pope Francis on World Youth Day in Panama.