Medjugorje Today January 1, 2021 – Mirjana: “Our Lady says this time is time of decisions….I would like to ask you to accept this in a most serious way.”
Whats going to happen in the future is God’s will and our task is to be ready for that. These apparitions that you also had a chance to participate in with me are also like a prayer for unbelievers, but Our Lady never uses that term ‘unbelievers’.
She always says ‘those who have not come to know the love of God yet’. And Our Lady asks our help. When Our Lady says our help she doesn’t just mean only us 6 visionaries, but help of all those people who accept her as Mother. Because Our Lady says that we are capable to change unbelievers but only with our own prayer and our own example.
She is asking for us to put in our daily prayers a first place for prayers for unbelievers. Because when you pray for them you also pray for yourselves and your own future. Beside our prayer, Our Lady is asking our example. She doesn’t ask from us to preach. She would like for us to talk with our own life so that unbelievers can see God and God’s love within ourselves.
And I would like to ask you to accept this in a most serious way because if you were able just once to see the tears on the face of Our Lady because of unbelievers, I am so certain that you would pray from the bottom of your hearts, because Our Lady says this time is time of decisions. She says that we who call ourselves God’s children, we have great responsibility. When Our Lady asks from us to pray for unbelievers, she decides that we do it in her way and that would be first to feel love for them, to feel them as our own brothers and sisters who were not lucky enough as we were to come to know the love of God.
And only once we feel like that we will be able to pray for them. We should never judge or criticise then. We should simply love them, pray for them and offer them our own example.
So that we may take Our Lady as she has been doing with us here as an example, I will give you an example how you can really show and present Our Lady and God’s love.
As we say here we are always having personages coming here from Vatican, high personages you know (grin), high, high (laugh). A cardinal who came to Medjugorje, he said “did you know why I came to Medjugorje?”. He said close to Vatican there is a church and on every last saturday of the month I see a few hundred Italians in the church for 2 to 3 hours, together praying. And I simply couldn’t understand what does keep them in the church for so long. So one day, I also went there and asked them what are they doing? And they said, “we are the fruits of Medjugorje, here we have the programme of Medjugorje”. He said when I saw that it interested me to come and see what is going on in Medjugorje. So they encouraged him to come to Medjugorje with their own example and not with preaching and not with words. And I would like to recommend the same to all of you. When you come back home, not to talk about Medjugorje to the people because you will be boring to them because they don’t understand you. First of all, show to them with your own life that you were in Medjugorje and then start talking about Medjugorje.
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I wish to receive the messages from medijugorje my email address is my mother was receiving the messages her email address was but this email no longer exists we were receiving the messages from Steve Shawl