John Paul II.   he died on April 2, 2005, on the night preceding the Feast of Divine Mercy, and liturgically on the Feast of Divine Mercy itself

Beatification of Pope John Paul II. it was not by chance that it happened on Divine Mercy Sunday.

It was he who instituted that holiday, based on the revelations of Jesus Christ to St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, who was fiercely persecuted for her mystical ecstasies.

It was John Paul II who recognized Saint Faustina and the true God Christ in her writings and designated the first Sunday after Easter as the Feast of Divine Mercy, and according to the wish that the Lord Jesus Christ made known to St. Faustina Kowalska, in these words:

Complete forgiveness from sins and consequences

“My daughter, tell the whole world about my inexhaustible mercy. I want the Feast of Divine Mercy to be a refuge for all souls, especially all sinners. On that day, the fullness of my mercy will be poured out. I will pour out a whole sea of ​​grace on the souls who will come close to that source. Whoever confesses and receives communion on that day will receive complete forgiveness of sins and punishment for sins. Let no one be afraid to approach me, even if his sins are the most heinous. I want the Feast of My Mercy to be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter”.

The Pope who dies for this world on the feast of God’s mercy is actually a great sign to the nations, but also a confirmation that this Pope, in the embrace of God’s mercy, went directly to heaven, bypassing purgatory, which Jesus promises every soul with complete forgiveness of all temporal punishments on that feast.

Two mystical souls in God’s providence

Still as the archbishop in Krakow, John Paul II, in 1978, a short time before coming to the See of St. Peter – he also gave the first official Church approval for devotion to God’s mercy. Finally, as Pope, he beatified Faustina Kowalska on the Octave of Easter in 1993; then he canonized her as a saint on the eighth day of Easter in 2000. In the homily at the canonization mass of St. Faustina, he established Divine Mercy Sunday as a holiday for the entire Church.

 “This is the happiest day of my life.”

In his book “Get up, let’s go” , Pope John Paul II did not hide his joy that he was the one who received the grace to canonize Saint Faustina. Namely, we are talking about a saint about whom polemics were held for a long time and she was persecuted because of her mystical experiences and visions, and her works, which were created in pure humility and obedience before the confessor, were tried to be presented as false prophecies, which is almost a cross of every saint and mystic.

This is exactly why the pope’s moving into eternity on this holiday is significant, because it is a kind of confirmation to the world of the powerful words of Jesus.

In the book Saint Pope John Paul II writes: ‘I remember that during the war, when I was a worker at the Solvay factory, which was near the monastery, I went several times to the grave of Sister Faustina, who had not yet been beatified at that time.

Everything was extraordinary with her because it was unpredictable. Considering that she was such a modest girl. At that time, could I have imagined how I would be able to declare her first blessed and then holy? She joined a monastery in Warsaw, was then moved to Vilinus and finally to Krakow. It was she who, a few years before the war, had a vision of the great merciful Jesus, who called her to be an apostle of the worship of God’s mercy, which then spread everywhere in the church. Sister Faustina died in 1938.

From there, from Krakow, the worship of God’s mercy entered a large series of events of world scale. When I became archbishop, I entrusted Fr. to Professor Ignacio Rozitska to study her works (the works of Sister Faustina). At first he didn’t want to. He then thoroughly studied the available documents and finally declared: “That is a wonderful, mystical soul.”

Our Lady of John Paul II

John Paul II was undoubtedly also a great mystical soul who conquered the whole world with the love of Christ. He was Maria’s pope. His famous motto was Totus Tuus Maria, which in translation means: All your Mary.

To priest Don Gobbi, the founder of the Priestly Marian Movement, Our Lady in Fatima revealed that it was she who had chosen and prepared Pope John Paul II as her beloved son for the great final battle in which Her Immaculate Heart would triumph. She said this about the great pope: “Pope John Paul II. is the greatest gift, which my Immaculate Heart begged from the Heart of Jesus for these times of your painful cleansing. That’s my Pope. I shaped it. At every moment, I guided him on the path of his personal dedication to your heavenly Mother, which he obediently followed, with filial devotion and great trust. He is an important part of my Plan. He is the Pope of my light, which he managed to spread these years in the Church and in all parts of this humanity, which is threatened from all sides. I myself take him to all the paths of the world. He follows me with the obedience of a child, the courage of an apostle, the sacrifice of a martyr and filial rapture. This Pope is a masterpiece – a work of my love and has the great task of giving everyone the grace of my maternal tenderness. Now I look at him with maternal anxiety, while my Immaculate Heart bears the mark of deep anguish. How many dangers surround him, how dangerous are the traps that my Adversary lays on his path!”

Satan hates him, call on him

Because of all the above, because it was this Pope who opened the floodgates of God’s mercy to the world and because he is Mary’s Pope out of God’s providence, Satan hates him indescribably and he is still today a huge advocate of God’s children in heaven.

That the appeal to John Paul II. devastated by evil and that his sanctity is a great pain to Satan himself, writes Monsignor Andrea Gemma, in the book Confidenze di un exorcista (Confidence of an Exorcist), in which he claims that during an exorcism the evil reacts strongly to the invocation of the name of John Paul II, whose pontificate , due to the very fact that John Paul II. acknowledged the existence of Satan, very annoying. During an exorcism, the devil confessed:

“The old man (that’s what he calls John Paul II) caused enormous damage to us, but what is happening now is even worse…”.

Those words confirm the deep hatred of the Evil One for Pope Benedict XVI, who succeeded John Paul II.

Once, Satan spoke to me for a long time about John Paul II. I still remember the hoarse voice of the prince of darkness. He was telling me this before he left the person he possessed. It was like a confession he wanted to confess to me before I was able to drive him away with the power of Christ. Of course, his words may be false. But they still deserve to be presented, because they say something.