“And Valentina said that the Blessed Mother asks us to increase our prayers because they fight against evil in the world, remove blockages and open the way for God the Father to come and intervene in the world.
And he revealed to her, “I want to tell you that in October God will give a great sign to the world, which everyone will witness.”
Catholics around the world were surprised this year when Father Oliveira received a vision from Our Lady, hinting that the trouble would escalate in October 2023, precisely around the 50th anniversary of Our Lady of Akita.
Immediately after his vision, a Brazilian nun came forward.
A little later, Valentina Papagna was also told that God would give a great sign in October 2023.
The visions that Father Oliveira received are quite short, but together with the more detailed messages that Valentina Papagna received, they allow us to get a more complete idea of what could be happening.
Messages to Valentina Papagana

Here we will talk about the impressive prophecies that Valentina Papagna received in the last year and how they can be complemented by the vision that Father Oliveira had.
This is not the first time we talk about Valentina Papagna, who emigrated from Slovenia to Australia in 1955. In 1988, two years after her husband’s death, she began to receive visions and messages from our Lord , the Blessed Virgin Mary , from angels and souls in purgatory.
From that moment on, she became more pious than the average Catholic. Her messages are led by her priest, Franciscan Father Valerijan Jenko. The messages are private announcements and you are not obliged to trust them.
Since we reported that Father Oliveira had a message from Brazil that in October 2023 the tribulation will begin to intensify, Nebo also spoke with Valentino Papagna about that date.
The Lord repeated to Valentina that great things will happen all over the world, God is very offended and asks people to convert and pray for the conversion of others. The world is in a serious state of sin and people are behaving very badly. “They don’t listen to me or obey me, the more I try to tell them, the worse they are.”
He also said “people receive me unworthily during Holy Communion, some approach Me even with mortal sin and have no remorse.”
And “My Bishops and My Priests do not tell the truth to people. They are silent.”
“You must confess your sins and ask me for forgiveness. “Whoever receives me without confession harms his soul and will not benefit him until he confesses.”
The church and prayer groups will not be touched
And the Lord allowed Valentina to experience the pain she felt for humanity, and the pain was so strong that she could not move from her place. Our Lady told her that humanity no longer wants God in its life. And she asked: “How long can I hold the hand of My Son?”
“Do you know how bad the world is right now? There is a lot of evil and darkness. Enemies plan all kinds of evil in the world, but Jesus stands beside them and witnesses all the evil they plan to do.
The devil tries to destroy everywhere, but I guard and protect the prayer groups and the Church. They are like My garden, so the devil cannot destroy them. Evil will not touch them.”
And God the Father told her, “when humanity learns and understands who I am, it will tremble and tremble before Me, in My Presence. My daughter, comfort me and pray for this ungodly humanity. “I am compassionate, merciful and patient.”
And at the end of 2022 the Souls in purgatory told her “we are told that the world will be severely punished, worse than any other punishment that has ever happened before in the world.”
God the Father tells her: “Evil people are preparing a war and it will start soon, but everything is My Decision.” So far I have restrained all their evil plans.”
In May 2023, an angel told her that “every commandment of God is broken like a broken glass.” And he showed her a glass broken into many pieces and the ground, adding: “This place is condemned. “People are disobedient to God and insult him greatly.”
Your only mission is to pray a lot
Then Valentina asked the angel: “Where am I? What is the name of this place?
The angel replied, “This is North America! Pray for this nation.” But he added: “Don’t be afraid. Our Lord and His Holy Mother are always with you, and we, the angels, are here to protect you.” Our Lord told her in July 2023, “the prophecy that was announced is now being fulfilled. Many catastrophic events will occur. “There will be many earthquakes in many parts of the world.”
And he added, “At the same time, their governments will control them, push them more and more and tell them what to do. Your churches will also be controlled and suppressed. You will not be as free as you are now.”
And it reminded her of the prophecy he gave her in October 2018.
Two angels showed him the bottom of the sea as if on a screen. She saw a row of cement slabs half a meter in diameter. And the angel said: “these corks that we are showing you have been here since the beginning of creation, soon we will have permission to open them. And when we open them, the world will experience many volcanic eruptions, fires, earthquakes and tsunamis. There will be great suffering in the world if people do not repent and convert.”
And the Lord added, “after the purification, there will be much joy and happiness and My Church will rise.”
Jesus also told her to remember the June 1995 message, which is beginning to happen.
They are signs of the end of time.
In that message, the angel showed her the internal apostasy in the Church and the rebellion against God that is happening there. And on July 18, 2023, the Blessed Virgin told her: “I am coming to tell you to increase your prayer, pray more than usual.”
And Valentina said that the Blessed Mother asks us to increase our prayers because they fight against evil in the world, remove blockages and open the way for God the Father to come and intervene in the world.
And he revealed to her, “I want to tell you that in October God will give a great sign to the world, which everyone will witness.”
And she added: “God wants to take humanity to a time when the world was not so corrupt and evil, when they appreciated and loved God and prayed, lived a simple life”
And she was shown how God the Father would lead His people back to the early days.
And the following month he told her: “People are curious and wondering what will happen in October. Don’t be curious. You can’t tell God what to do. Leave everything in God’s hands. Your job is to pray and trust My Son and comfort Him with your prayers.”
We must always say to God: “Thy holy will be done.”
“Your priority is to be in a state of grace and pray for others , for their conversion and repentance.”
About Valentina Papagna

Valentina Papagna migrated to Sydney, Australia in 1955 from Slovenia after experiencing difficult times in her early years.
In 1988 two years after the sudden death of her husband, Valentina began to receive visions and messages from our Lord Jesus and Mary our Blessed Mother. From this time on her life changed from being an average Catholic to one more devout.
Valentina is a Roman Catholic in good standing, who has the full support of her Spiritual director and parish priest, Father Valerian Jenko OFM.
She wishes to share her experiences and messages only to help people come closer to God and to grow in holiness as Jesus and Mary desire.
Now a grandmother, she lives a quiet and simple family life, seeking to avoid publicity for herself yet compelled to proclaim the messages given to her which she knows is not for herself alone.
Valentina is frequently invited into private homes wherein a prayerful family gathering she shares and witnesses to God’s blessings of peace. Many confirmations attest that lives are changed, hearts touched and people are encouraged to seek Gods grace through this witness.