Did Pope Francis Hint that Our Lady Appears in Many Places Including Medjugorje in Most Recent Plea For Peace?
This short blog post comes from the Great FR. Livio’s web site / blog
The words of the Holy Father and the messages of Mary
“They write us”
Dear Father Livio, yesterday I participated in the prayer requested by Pope Francis following it from home and I became deeply attached to the Holy Church, feeling like a church myself. I confess publicly that for the first time I perceived myself as a “daughter” of this Pope and I felt great emotion in hearing these words: “Mary, you have come to meet us many times, asking for prayer and penance”.
It is a very clear reference to the presence of the Madonna and all the messages she gave us in her apparitions. How can we not notice a reference to Fatima, Civitavecchia and Medjugorje?
God be praised
Thanks for all
Lidia from Turin
Thank you Lidia for what you wrote.
Yet there is no shortage of those who, even among those who go to Medjugorje, take the stand to judge.
It is time for them to keep their lips “closed” as Our Lady exhorted regarding our Shepherds.
Ave Maria
Father Livio