MIRACLE BABY World’s smallest newborn who weighed same as an APPLE at just 8.6oz survives after parents are told she’d only live for an hour
The little girl, named Saybie, weighed roughly the same as an APPLE when she was born at a San Diego hospital in December.

She was born 23 weeks and three days into her mother’s 40-week pregnancy.
Doctors told her distraught mum and dad after the birth that they would only have about an hour with their girl before she died.
But Saybie’s mum said: “That hour turned into two hours, which turned into a day, which turned into a week.”
The delighted new mother, who does not wish to be named, appeared in a video announcing the miraculous survival.
It was released last night by Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns.
More than five months have passed since the birth – and little Saybie has gone home as a healthy 5lb infant.
The baby’s family gave permission to share the story but wanted to stay anonymous, the hospital said.
They allowed the girl to go by the name that nurses called her: “Saybie.”
Her ranking as the world’s smallest baby ever to survive is according to the Tiniest Baby Registry, maintained by the University of Iowa.
This precious little baby girl is here today by God’s design and, I’m sure, many prayers to show the world how precious and sacred life is at EVERY stage!! He has a beautiful plan for her and her parents’ life! May she continue to grow and develop as the happy little girl she is!
A babies life is Holy and precious. One baby aborted is one too many. Those who support abortion lie to men, women and kill babies and women. Just never reported. This should be a concern for the those who support the green new deal. Human life is precious, wonderful miracle.
Our Heavenly Father knows and planned that one little human life before conceived.
That little baby has A Right To Life. Planned parenthood lies and is only a death sentence for the baby and sometimes the mother. Abortion is murder and kills. Our Lord’s commandment is thou shalt not KILL. Have mercy on us Jesus. Help your babies and the innocence. Congradulations little 8oz baby. With GOD ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Bless you. Amen