Pope Francis / Vatican select Medjugorje to be one of the 30 Marian Shrines for “The prayer of the Rosary against the pandemic”
Thirty shrines from all over the world from which the live reciting of the Rosary will be broadcast during the Marian month. Among these that stands is Medjugorje.
The list includes the recitation of the Rosary from the main shrines of the world . And it is with great joy that we also learn about the presence of the parish of St. James in Medjugorje, which is not yet officially recognized as a Shrine but in fact it is with this inclusion. It is a sign of closeness and gratitude for the presence of the Virgin in that place.
The prayer of the Rosary against the pandemic
Pope Francis expressly wanted that this month of May 2021 , when the world is still fighting against the Coronavirus, that the daily prayer of the Holy Rosary be recited by 30 different Shrines, one for each day. And he entrusted the initiative to the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization
Devotion to Mary scattered throughout the world: from Italy, to Europe to the ends of the world. A journey, not only spiritual and of prayer, but also to the knowledge of the places where the faithful gather to pray to Our Lady and from her, every day they receive graces.
On May 15, the Rosary from Medjugorje
A list that touches all the continents and the main capitals of the world. But there is a day to be especially careful about. On May 15 , in fact, the recitation of the Holy Rosary will be broadcast from the shrine of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje . A moment of joy, grace and prayer not only for all those who know this place and the graces that are bestowed here, by the Virgin, but also a sign of openness towards the recognition of this place as a ” place where there is it is the presence of Mary ”.
Each day, the prayer of the Rosary will be for a particular intention. On May 15 in Medjugorje they will pray for all migrants. On this particular occasion, the time of the Holy Rosary will conform to that chosen for the entire month of May for the 30 Shrines, live on TV and in the Vatican media at 6 pm. The international Holy Mass from Medjugorje will therefore be moved to 19 hours.
Pope Francis prays from the Vatican
In this month of May we will pray, as we said from all over the world, but to open and close the month will be the Rosary from the Vatican where, on May 1 (in the Vatican Basilica), we will pray for “wounded humanity”, May 31 (at the end of the month of prayer), in the Vatican Gardens, for “the end of the pandemic and the resumption of social and working life”. In these two events, the prayer will be led directly by Pope Francis.

Loreto and Pompei, the Italian sanctuaries
We will also pray from the Sanctuary of Loreto (May 9) for all the elderly; from the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Pompeii (May 30) for the Church.
Prayer from the Shrines of the world
Or again, on May 13 from the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Fatima , for the prisoners; May 8 from the Shrine of Our Lady of Lujan in Argentina , for communication operators; from India , from the Shrine of Our Lady of Health, for all scientists, from the Shrine of Our Lady of Nagasaki (May 21) for social welfare workers.
But also from England, from the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, for all the dead, on May 1st; May 4 from the Holy Land , from the Basilica of the Annunciation, for all mothers and children; on May 3 from the Polish Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, for all those who have been infected by the virus and for all the sick.