Seeds of Civil War? Trump: “Get that Son of a b#@*ch off the field” America’s Divide Widens … Tells supporters to leave stadiums if players kneel for National Anthem
- Donald Trump told an Alabama crowd that they should boycott professional football teams whose players refuse to stand for the National Anthem
- ‘If you see it – even if it’s one player – leave the stadium. I guarantee things will stop,’ he said
- The President was stumping for Luther Strange, a Republican who is running in a special election for U.S. Senate
- ‘Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, “Get that son of a b***h off the field right now!”?’ Trump asked
- Quarterback Colin Kaepernick started the take-a-knee protest trend a year ago when he was an injured backup player for the San Francisco 49ers
- He said at the time that he was taking a position against ‘a country that oppresses black people and people of color’
- Kaepernick has been unable to find a team that will sign him this year
President Donald Trump has ratcheted up the national controversy over black National Football League players who refuse to stand while the U.S. National Anthem is played before games.
During a Friday night political rally in Alabama, Trump called on fans to boycott teams that allow players to engage in that particular form of protest.
The league’s TV ratings have slid since quarterback Colin Kaepernick, then the leader of the San Francisco 49ers, began the trend in September 2016.
‘Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, “Get that son of a b***h off the field right now! He is fired. He’s fired!”‘ Trump boomed.
His crowd applauded and chanted ‘USA! USA!’
The outspoken president also said American football is ‘not the same game anymore’ since referees have clamped down on aggressive tackles, throwing penalty flags whenever they hear the crack of a vicious hit.
‘They are ruining the game, right?’ he asked. ‘They are ruining the game.’
Players on the field ‘want to hit,’ he complained.
‘But you know what’s hurting the game more than that?’ Trump asked. ‘When people like yourselves turn on television and you see those people taking the knee when they are playing our great National Anthem.’
‘The only thing you could do better is, if you see it – even if it’s one player – leave the stadium. I guarantee things will stop. Things will stop.’
‘Pick up and leave. Just pick up and leave.’

President Donald Trump told an arena full of Alabama supporters Friday night that NFL fans should walk out of stadiums when players refuse to stand during the playing of America’s National Anthem

The trend was started a year ago by quarterback Colin Kaepernick (center) who was then playing for the San Francisco 49ers

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