“Signs of the times show that the world is troubled, but the hope of the world we can see in Our Lady’s eyes that have the light of Paradise. The Madonna is not here to punish”

Translated from  an article in Oggie.it
The article contains this introduction to the  interview :
After some time the young Ivan Dragicevic, one of the visionaries of Medjugorje, asked the following question of Our Lady during an apparition when dazzled by ecstasy he could no longer resist it: “Mother, how can You be so beautiful?”
And Our Lady replied: “I am beautiful because I love and you will be beautiful … I love you too.” Recalling the episode  now, Ivan is surprised again: “I do not know how I found the courage to address Her so, because at that time I was afraid of everything.”
Should we be worried by the ten secrets announced by Mary? Expect a punishment?


“Signs of the times show that the world is troubled. And the secrets of Medjugorje certainly contain prophecies of painful events. However, for example, the seventh secret has been mitigated by prayers. It appears to me every time that you recognize the hope in Her eyes and the light of Paradise. The Madonna is not here to punish.. Why not make good use of freedom, resuming dialogue and a filial relationship with the Creator of everything. It is not by chance that She has presented itself as the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje and Her first words were: “Dear children, Let there be peace between man and God and among men”.