The first two secrets will be a painful but necessary test for Medjugorje

Source Fr. Livio’s Blog

Dearest Father,

I was very impressed by the message of April 25th, in particular where Our Lady reveals that “satan is strong and every day his strength is increasingly stronger through those who have chosen death and hatred”.

In this regard I would like to ask you two questions and, if possible, get your answer:

Who do you think are those who have chosen death and hatred?

Are you still of the opinion that the beginning of the secrets could begin after the Jubilee?:

Thank you very much Father Livio, above all because he is a clear person… Today there are few.

With esteem and affection Kati from Ivrea

Dear Katie,

Those who increase Satan’s strength are those who have taken his side against “our God”, against Christ and his Church. They are a transversal army that concerns the whole world and we can evaluate its consistency from the words of the Madonna when she says: “Satan reaps souls”.

Who are those who “chose death and hatred”? They are all those who have rejected God, the God of peace of love” and have allowed themselves to be deceived by the Prince of this world and by his deceiving seductions. Among them there are all those who “rejected the faith and the Cross” and joined the army of Barabbas, Judas and Simon Magus. Their irreversible choice makes them dry branches, which are thrown into the fire to burn eternally.

It is obvious that the growing power of Satan brings the time of secrets closer, but in this regard we just have to watch and pray so as not to be suddenly surprised. The impression is that the more time passes, the worse the situation becomes. Apparently the Madonna loses followers, while Satan swells the ranks.

Satan, as Our Lady has warned many times in the past, tries to attack the Parish of Medjugorje, but never before had such a deadly expression been used as the “Weeds that take many hearts and make them sterile”. This makes me think that we have foolishly overlooked the first two secrets, downgrading them to simple “warnings”.

The first two secrets will be painful but necessary tests for Medjugorje, which will upset the many “castles” of human foolishness and the illusions of those who have put themselves in the place of the Madonna. Moreover, Mirjana already said this on October 26, 1985, but she was not listened to. The purification seems inevitable and will surprise the majority of people who are lulled into the certainties presented by the false prophets.

Before the sign on the hill, the Gospa will do a general “cleaning”, so that God’s gift finds hearts purified and filled with faith and hope. Only then will the promised sign arrive, which will be understood in all its beauty and grandeur by souls inhabited by the love of God.

Ave Maria

Father Livio